P. 450


        about the result and the lack of intimacy.    pacity and perfect service, but is also a person,
          Anyway – for the “Digital Generation”, like  who can take nice pictures and promote wine
        now, students are learning online, young   vibes on Instagram and is highly active online.
        people meet each other online, the new ge-  On the Moldovan local market, we have
        neration feels different, and they feel relaxed  a  few sommeliers who work in the best re-
        with the platform. It’s a NEW NORMAL to par-  staurants in Chisinau, but the best ones are
        ticipate at online tastings. Even in the  “live  working abroad on the international market
        shows” they use the IT terms of Like, Dislike,  and I can tell, we are a good team. We organi-
        Followers, and Influencers, all these words are  se ZOOM conferences, we speak about the si-
        from the Digital Generation and can be fore-  tuation in the wine world, wines, wine regions,
        ign to older people.                     and trends. Nowadays the tendency is for spe-
          I can also confirm that during this pandemic  ed, our guests use different apps to see wine
        period, cheap wine sales have increased by 3  ratings immediately for example, seeing price,
        times in Moldova, and wine producers are ori-  comments and details about any wine they
        entating themselves to this wine shelf in order  are curious about. Sometimes it happens that
        to promote accessibly priced wines.      a  sommelier‘s information is only one click
              As for me, the profession of sommelier is  away. Why does the client need to be in con-
        an art. The bottle opening is the whole cere-  tact with a possible Covid-19 carrier to serve
        mony accompanied by the sommelier´s sto-  him? A  question could be:  The past should
        ry.  The position of sommelier will definitely  never happen again.... But who knows! Are we
        change. Nowadays a  good sommelier is not  losing something of value without the art of
        just a professional with a huge information ca-  the in-person sommelier? ƅ

        Moldova is famous for the world´s largest cellars,  fresh and juicy wines and excellent vegetable dishes.

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