P. 454
that the old order will ever return in the gas- I miss travelling – but I am enjoying the
tronomy? flexibility of working on line. This week I am
This is something I am worried about. giving three webinars in London, France and
So many restaurants are going bankrupt Hungary. Impossible before when travelling
around the world – so I think it will take time everywhere.
before the restaurant trade will resume its for- Maybe we need to find a new energy and
mer role. For rosé I was very aware that pre Co- a new flexibility. Take away food and eating in
vid restaurants and sommeliers were a great restaurants. Good innovative advice from som-
way to introduce more individual wines to the meliers, travel and on-line – and maybe ano-
consumer. ther year before there is much travel.
Instead – easy cheaper wines for drinking at Elizabeth Gabay MW
home have been very popular. But not every-
where. In Italy sales are down – Italians appa- I believe that the future of wine in gastro-
rently do not drink alone at home. In the UK nomy will continue to grow and become even
there has also been an increase in drinking Port. more important than it currently is. I think
On line tastings have been very popular and the consumers are smart and their interest
a means to introduce consumers to new ro- and knowledge in wine will only continue to
oms – but I think much of this will reduce after grow. People more and more want to know
covid. where their food came from and how it came
If I could think of what will happen I could to be much like we already do with our grapes
become a millionaire!!! and vineyards. I think small producers that can
Restaurants and fine wine – but we may be combine those two and offer both local wines
in a recession and there will be less income. with locally sourced food will be better esta-