P. 456


                                 Count John Umberto Salvi MW
                                 John followed his father into the trade; he started as a trainee
                                 with Maison Sichel in Bordeaux, and his first duty was to help
                                 with the 1957 vintage at Château Palmer in Margaux, close to
                                 where he lives now with his wife Countess Petronella. After some
                                 years he became Sales Director for Maison Sichel, living in, and
                                 working from, Château Palmer itself. Retired in 1997 „after
                                 40 years in the wine trade drinking every great bottle from
                                 every great vintage and eating my way round the world many
                                 times.“ He also wrote a serious treatise of the development of
                                 the palate related to age and experience. He`s beloved wine
                                 judge everywhere. You must read for yourselves his new book
                                 Count of Wine full of stories and anecdotes.
          I have now lived in Bordeaux, in the Medoc,  bankrupt, hundreds are for sale and finding no
        for 52 years, but for the French I shall always  market, and hundreds more are hanging on by
        be the “perfide albion”. To show how perfide  the skin of their teeth. Worldwide competition
        I am I will state that I have finally understood  is devastating, because French rules and re-
        French philosophy. It is very simple and has 3  gulations make it difficult to be competitive,
        facets. 1. Laws are made to be broken. 2. Why  prices from Latin-America are so low that Bor-
        keep things simple if you can make them com-  deaux cannot compete, and now the pande-
        plicated. 3. If you do not like my wine you are  mic has brought sales almost to a  standstill.
        either stupid or perverse.               Even if they have the money, they are now
          To be serious.  There is one thing that we  confronted with storage problems, which will
        must keep in mind all the time when we  become more than acute when the next vin-
        talk about Bordeaux. Bordeaux falls into two  tage must be stored. Life is one long misery,
        camps. Those that sell their wines for a great  and although the Government has allocated
        deal of money and those that do not, or can-  very considerable funds, of course it is not
        not. All classified growths account for some  enough, and there is anger and jealousy be-
        5% of total production and the Grands Crus  tween those who have received it and those
        Classés around 1%. It is this 1% that many  who have not. Make no mistake about it, Bor-
        people think about when they talk about Bor-  deaux is devastated by the pandemic.
        deaux. To them the pandemic is a  nuisance.   The recent approval by the INAO of 6 new
        It is a  temporary loss of income, aided and  grape varieties is, in the minds of many produ-
        abetted by the increase of USA taxes and the  cers, still something of a joke. The INAO took
        fall-off of the fine wine imports by China due  a  very long time to approve and officialise
        to their crack-down on corruption.  There is  these varieties and in the end they approved 6
        a certain amount of anger by the small gro-  out of the 7 proposed and did not approve Pe-
        wers at the huge, and ever increasing, prices  tit Manseng. Note very carefully that it is only
        at the top. The late André Lurton was very vo-  Bordeaux and Bordeaux Supérieur that have
        ciferous about it. They can weather the storm,  requested these varieties, as they represent
        however long it lasts. As for the majority of  over 50% of the total Bordeaux production.
        Bordeaux, particularly the lesser appellations  Even then only up to 5% of the total vineyard
        such as Bordeaux and Bordeaux Supérieur, the  surface area may be planted with them and the
        pandemic is a catastrophic, appalling and de-  wine must contain no more than 10%. The re-
        vastating crisis. In 2020, many vineyards went  ason for them is officially to have varieties that
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