P. 447


                                 Roman Novotný
                                 The head sommelier of the Bokovka (Sideways )wine bar,
                                 a former sommelier at the Michelin starred La Degustation
                                 Bohême Bourgeoise, where he had worked since its
                                 opening in 2006. He holds the internationally recognized
                                 Advanced Course certificate - Wines and Spirits International
                                 Weinakademie Austria. He is a certified sommelier of the ASCR
                                 and he regularly participates in juries during wine evaluations.

        BOKOVKA                                  the last few years; it is a long-term trend and
                                                 those who do not accept this will face great
          We are all in a whole new age now and no  problems. The more sales channels, the better.
        one has prepared us for it. Everyone is trying   A completely new discipline is online distan-
        to survive. It is clear that when this martyrdom  ce tasting. Personally, I am not one of the pro-
        is over, everyone will be looking for a  new  moters of this direction but it is definitely one
        way to succeed. It will be called the Pre-Covid  of easy ways to keep an existing customer and
        and Covid period. The question I would like to  reach a new one.
        know the answer to is when the Post-Covid   And here comes perhaps my only specific
        period comes.                            piece of advice: Don‘t do  anything you ha-
          Gastronomy, tourism, winemaking and cer-  ven‘t tried several times in advance! Prepare
        tainly many other fields have already undergo-  the script, perform tests of both yourself and
        ne many crises, prohibitions and restrictions in  the technical equipment before starting the
        the past and they have always managed to so-  live broadcast. Consider whether live broad-
        mehow overcome them and continued on, of  casting is really the best way or whether it
        course in an altered form.               wouldn‘t be better to record your wine-show
          I think it‘s important not to sit, not wait to  and offer your guests to play it when they have
        see how it turns out but actually start doing  time and desire for wine. Otherwise, the result
        something, change and think from a  long-  may be counterproductive or even shameful.
        -term perspective. It is understandable that  Such cases have already happened and some
        everything has been moving to online sales in  of them are still being talked about today.
                                                   Recently, we are also encountering a huge
                                                 number of discounts, clearance sales, advan-
                                                 tageous packages, etc. This is, I think, a vicious
                                                 circle. Unless these are actual clearance sales,
                                                 i.e. sales of the last pieces in stock, then some-
                                                 thing is wrong. Each product has its value and
                                                 if it is not sold at least for its production price,
                                                 it is unsustainable. We all understand the de-
                                                 mand for cheaper products but a quality pro-
                                                 duct has its price and should not decrease too
                                                 much. Otherwise, it degrades the long-esta-
                                                 blished brand.
                                                   If we have to get used to food to go, sold
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