P. 448


        from the window for a long time in the future,
        we will also need to think about the volume          Winemakers should not
        of the wine bottle. I  see great potential for   neglect communication with
        smaller formats (0.5 l, 0.375 l, 0.2 l). It does not   gastronomy, which has
        necessarily mean worse and cheaper wine, just   DbSUHVFULEHG KLEHUQDWLRQ XQGHU
        a smaller volume. It is up to the winemakers to
        think about this alternative. As a  sommelier,   WKH ORFNGRZQ ULJKW QRZ EXW LW ZLOO
        I  am convinced that wine belongs in a  glass.                   GHɮQLWHO\ JHW
        However, I can‘t avoid seeing the boom experi-         EDFN RQ WKH VDGGOHǠ
        enced by light sparkling wines of the Prosecco
        type in beverage cans abroad. ƅ                                  Jakub Pribyl

                                  Jan Horešovský
                                  A co-owner of VinoGraf - a wine bar, wine shop and restaurant,
                                  which is one of the best addresses for wine in Prague, an
                                  organizer of the Riesling Rocks wine and music festival, the
                                  inventor of the „Sung Tasting“ event, A rioter fighting for
                                  justice (not only) in the wine world.

                                  ON-DEMAND TASTING

          The business situation started by coronavi-  handle the situation.
        rus and the state-imposed administrative me-  In addition to standard solutions, Vinograf
        asures brought to tragic reality has had a seve-  tries to offer its own and new solutions, so that
        re impact on the entire gastronomic segment.  it does not lose personal contact with clients
        In the spring of 2020, restaurants, bars, bis-  even from a distance.
        tros and cafes of all concepts suddenly found   The diamond in the offer is the experience
        themselves in paralysis after the government  that you can order for yourself, your family,
        measures. Past experience and practices have  friends or clients: On-demand, tailored live
        ceased to be valid and restaurants had to deal  tasting. Keeping in mind the government-per-
        with existential issues.                 mitted gathering limits, gather around the
          On the one hand, it was a real shock; on the  screen. At the chosen time, Vinograf will deli-
        other hand, there was an expectation that the  ver tasting sets and for example, some tasting
        situation was temporary and more or less sur-  bites and the Chief Sommelier Klára Kollárová
        vivable. Only the second wave of lockdowns,  will guide everyone through the world of wine
        series of restrictions and shutdowns of servi-  on the chosen Internet platform. You can talk
        ces have brought entrepreneurs in gastrono-  to her and she will be with you, although just
        my to the serious threat of having a fatal end,  behind the monitor screen. One of the best
        which restaurants now really have to face.  professional sommeliers in the country in your
        Many of them have already given up.      own home!
          Only those who can adapt, are creative and   Another contact tool is the Wine Assistant.
        are willing to try new things and who can  Consult anything related to wine with us.
        prepare for partial failure and further loss can  Call and write to us! Use a phone, video call,
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