Page 10 - March 2019 Trestleboard
P. 10

KNIGHTS OF ST. ANDREW                              Whether it is a tartan hat, a tartan tie, or the full kilt

                     SCOTS GUARDS                              get up, it's entirely up to you.
                                                                       Robert Burns greatest works gave a unique
           NORTHERN ENCAMPMENT                                 and vivid insight into the aspirations and anguishes of
                                                               the brotherhood of man and his words maintain their
                          Mail Call                            powerful meaning today.  Robert Burns died in Dum-
                                                               fries on 26th July, 1796, on the same day that his wife
                                                               gave birth to their ninth child, a son, Maxwell. He
                                                               succumbed to a form of rheumatic fever, which would
                                                               have been easily treatable today.
                                                                       At the Conclusion of the Burns Dinner and
                                                               Celebration, everyone stands, joins hands and sings
                From the Website  On 25          the song most associated with Burns worldwide, Auld
         January every year, Scots and Scots-at-heart come     Lang Syne a song which has become an international
         together to celebrate the life and works of the       anthem of brotherhood and has been translated into
         Scottish national poet, Robert Burns.  Born in        more than thirty languages.
         Ayrshire in 1759, Robert Burns is Scotland's na-              The most important thing about a Burns Sup-
         tional bard. Affectionately known as 'the Plough-
         man Poet', his verses stand as a fitting testament to   per is to have fun. After all, the man you're paying
         Scotland's proud literary history.  The first Burns   tribute to was certainly not averse to a wee party him-
         supper was held in 1801 and in the 200+ years         self!
         since then new traditions have been added but the       For more information of the Knights of St. Andrew
         sentiment remains the same: to pay tribute to Scot-         and how to apply for membership, contact
         land’s national poet.                                        W. Bro. George Weil or Bro. Jake Webb.
                Burns was a Mason from 1781 until his
         death. He was initiated on 4th July 1781, in St Da-   Scriptorium (Continued from Page 3)
         vid's Lodge, No, 174, Tarbolton. He was passed
         and raised in the same Lodge on the 1  of October     of the Lodge and tailor them in the operation of my
         1781.                                                 office.
                The centerpiece of any good Burns Supper              I have an “open door” policy.  Which means
         menu is the iconic haggis, or as the bard himself     if you need to talk with me I am available!  Contact
         described it, the 'great chieftain o' the puddin'-    me by email or by phone and we will get whatever
                Whisky is the usual choice at Burns Sup-       needs to be done, completed.
         pers, either malts or blends. Contrary to popular            Presently all the events will be transitioned
         belief, adding a little water to your malt may im-    onto the electronic calendar through the AZTLAN
         prove rather than dilute the flavor, although some    Lodge No. 1 website.  There will be no more paper
         whisky drinkers may not take kindly to watering       calendars nailed on the door of the Secretary’s office.
         down their drams!                                     If you need to make a reservation for an event please
                Traditional recitals on the evening include
         the 'Selkirk Grace' and the 'Address to a Haggis'.    let me know by sending me an email or contact me
         Other recitals on the evening include a speech        by phone.
         commemorating Burns and a toast to the great
         man, known as the 'Immortal Memory', the              Sincerely and Fraternally,
         'Address to the Lassies' and of course 'The Reply     George E. Weil, PM, Secretary
         from the Lassies', which are normally created es-
         pecially for the evening.
                If you're hosting this event at home then
         literally anything goes, but, it is definitely recom-
         mended that you wear at least a little bit of tartan!

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