Page 11 - March 2019 Trestleboard
P. 11
High Country These Programs have been scheduled by the Club Program
Committee and we solicit your input. If there is a topic that
Scottish Rite Club interests you please let us know. If there is something that
you think we could be doing better let us know that as well.
Our goal is to have meetings that are interesting and pro-
Update vide food for thought after you leave. No boring business
The most recent meetings, just fellowship and learning.
Stated Meeting was called to order with twelve members
plus five guests in attendance. Program Committee
Introductions of all in attendance. Pres. Ken Davis dis- Ken Davis, Ex Officio –
cussed the upcoming 2019 programs., He also discussed: “Rick” Baskin –
Scottish Rite Masons emphasis on Education. Gil Marriott –
Stan Martin –
In addition, DDGM David Sahady was introduced to
lead the Rusty Trowel presentation which was superbly
given and very well received. Volunteers participated All meetings are held on the 4th Thursday (Jan. -
emphasizing major descriptions of the Three Degrees. Oct.) Aztlan Lodge #1 – Prescott. - Third floor at
Varied points of interest included further explanations of 7:00 unless there is a NOTIFIED change of time.
the trowel, apron & signs. The Q & A portion was very
animated with additional explanations and comments. High Country Scottish Rite Club Meetings are
GREAT! open to all Master Masons. Since we do not do
any Scottish Rite ritual at our meetings, You do
Presentation and Discussion of the 13 Degree led by not have to be a member of Scottish Rite to at-
Ken Davis via a power-point presentation. Official title: tend
13 Degree Royal Arch of Solomon.
A succinct Business Meeting following including Elec-
tion of two new officers being Secretary and Treasurer
who were voted upon and unanimously approved. They
are: Hon. Stan Martin, KCCH as Secretary and Bro.
Gil Marriott as Treasurer for 2019.
Upcoming Events:
March: “Thoughts on Freemasonry through the Histo-
ry of the Renaissance” by Ill. Rick Baskin.
April, May & June Events currently being confirmed.
July's superb presentation will be given by Joe Panek
driving in from Las Vegas especially for this Event.
Book Referral: Past Master George Weil recommended
the book “Last Rites & Rituals of Freemasonry”
available at this time from England.
Closing Complimentary Comments
In his inaugural Scottish Rite address, WM Ted
Gambogi/Aztlan Lodge gave an enthusiastic update
on the successful monthly breakfast programs,
membership development, Degree Progressions and
election for PM Paul Demuth as Aztlan Trustee.
These comments and more were appreciated.
Stan Martin, KCCH
Secretary Page 10