Page 6 - March 2019 Trestleboard
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The Craft At Work Next month we’ll hear from Prescott Valley Mayor Kell
Palguta and you’ll have the opportunity to savor this Wor-
shipful Master’s world-renowned French toast for some
Wow! What a way to start the year! breakfast variety.
Our first stated meeting saw a visit Earlier I mentioned the work on the membership list. It has
from Central 14 and last Wednesday immediate benefits beyond the Masonic effort to reach out
we took eight Aztlan Brothers to return the honor. Those to brothers; it allows us to address another elephant in the
eight included Chuck Thompson, Eric Giler-Tomala, room, our $7,000 Trestleboard expense. We’re in the
David Sahady, Zach Cagley, Ryan Guedel, Dave Lane, throes of going electronic. Brother Ryan will soon be send-
Will Burke, and yours truly. ing every brother a postcard asking you to contact our sec-
We plan to join Central 14 and visit Pioneer 82 in retary George Weil if you don’t have an email address.
March. Mark your calendar for March 18 meeting at our Speaking of our new secretary, have you visited the secre-
Lodge and departing at 1700 hours for the trip down to tary’s off recently? It’s clean and neat exactly what we’d
Black Canyon City. expect from a retired Air Force officer.
After our stated meeting, we set a new breakfast meet- At our last Trustees and stated meeting, we motioned a
ing attendance with 50 brothers and friends attending proposal to not only repair the damage walls in the secre-
our January breakfast to hear Prescott Mayor Greg tary’s office but repaint it. Thanks to Brother Zach Cagley
Mengarelli talk and field questions. Kudos to Brothers for donating the resurfacing job and Brother Keith Rose-
Keith Rosewitz and Dave Trice for coming out of retire- witz for agreeing to the paint the office.
ment and training our new Stewards Dave Lane and
Will Burke. It was a great breakfast! Afterward, we fi- You’ve all heard the old saying “You only get one chance
nally addressed the elephant in the room. For years to make a first impression.” Our outside first impression
Grand Lodge has talked about our dwindling member- has been improved with a new Lodge paint job and the
ship and we’ve talked about how to contact brothers great looking sign created and installed by Brother Guedel.
evaluating all kinds of robocall mechanisms. Well, on Now we turn our sights inside and that Trestleboard sav-
that day we dispensed with technology and the Brothers ings will almost cover re-carpeting the secretary’s office
returned to the good old days were brothers not ma- and entryway to the second floor along with replacing the
chines talk to brothers and called every brother in the Herculon furniture from the ‘70s. If you can rid yourself of
Lodge. We learned a lot; some were pleased to hear single knit leisure suits of the 70’s we can rid ourselves of
from us, some were bad numbers, and some we left a that dated, worn, and odor-emitting furniture. If you visit
voicemail. the 3 floor you’ll see the change thanks to our Brothers in
York Rite.
Every month we pay postage to deliver a paper Trestle-
board and every month we pay for return postage as Yep, Aztlan is changing and for the better. We’re no long-
many of our Trestleboard mailings go to bad addresses. er losing money on dinners or breakfasts and we’re watch-
Thanks to Brothers Zach Cagley, Ryan Guedel, and ing our budget to get the best use of our money. Along the
Charlie Arnold we’re cleaning our mail list which will way, we’re having fun.
allow us to better manage our membership list. If you’ve not made it to a 2019 stated meeting or monthly
We had a great first degree with Zach Cagley sitting in breakfast, please join us and see the new Aztlan and help
the east followed by a February stated meeting with Jun- us Make Aztlan Great Again.
ior Grand Warden Randy Jager visiting us from Tucson. Ted
Although I take the blame for a ritual misstep I can’t 899-1003
think of a meeting where we’ve had more participation.
The Fellowship is blossoming at Aztlan.
This past Saturday Will Burke and Dave Lane released
the tether around their breakfast necks and flew solo.
We had 43 Brothers and friends and a great speaker in
Prescott Valley’s Chamber of Commerce President
Marne Uhl. We learned the horse track is opening Me-
morial Day weekend. Thanks to Brother Bracety for
arranging such great speakers. Page 5