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EGYPT portfolio of production, development, explora- Bank (Afreximbank) to finance petroleum
tion and appraisal assets, holds a 22% working exploration, the bank said in a statement on
Egypt to export of 60-65 interest in AJ-13 well. November 17.
The transaction comprises a pre-export/
The well, which is a follow-up to the success-
mcf per day of gas to ful Al Jahraa-8 well, will target the Upper and shipment finance facility underpinned by a for-
Lower Bahariya reservoirs in the Al Jahraa Field. ward sale agreement (FSA) within which it shall
Lebanon from 2022 The well can be quickly tied into existing facili- deliver 35,000 barrels per day (bpd) of crude oil
ties, adding additional production and revenue and offtake contracts from the NNPC acting as
Egypt will begin to export 60mn to 65mn cubic for the joint venture. the borrower and seller.
feet of natural gas per day to Lebanon starting The AJ-13 well is the fifth and final well in the Lauding the deal as very innovative, Afrex-
from 2022, according to statements made by Abu Sennan 2021 drilling programme before imbank president Benedict Oramah said the
petroleum minister Tarek El Molla and reported the 2022 drilling programme begins, which is loan represented a balanced approach to devel-
by Reuters on the sidelines of an oil and gas con- planned to consist of five exploration and devel- opment and climate, noting that Africa con-
ference in Abu Dhabi. opment wells. tributes just 4% to the world’s greenhouse gas
Egyptian natural gas is being supplied in bna/IntelliNews, November 14 2021 (GHG) emissions.
response to a request from Lebanon’s govern- “Stopping development for parts of Africa
ment, with Lebanon suffering severe energy today to achieve a clean environment for the
shortages due to a scarcity of foreign exchange. WEST AFRICA whole world tomorrow is utterly foolhardy,”
Currently, technical teams are performing the Oramah said.
necessary due diligence on the stretch of the West African distributor bna/IntelliNews, November 17 2021
Arab pipeline that crosses Syria into Lebanon
prior to giving the go-ahead to open the taps Conex acquires Liberia,
from Jordan. ANGOL A
bna/IntelliNews, November 18 2021 Sierra Leone businesses
Petromaint signs from TotalEnergies Angola plans more crude
licensing rounds in bid to
maintenance services Conex Oil and Gas has acquired the Liberia and reverse drop in output
Sierra Leone marketing and services businesses
contract with AMOC of French oil and gas major TotalEnergies for an
undisclosed sum, Offshore Technology reported Angola is concluding a licensing round of eight
Alexandria Petroleum Maintenance Company on Monday (November 15). offshore blocks and plans to launch two rounds
(Petromaint) has signed a five-year mainte- The West African distribution firm said it in 2023 and 2025, in a bid to turn around recent
nance contract with Alexandria Mineral Oils acquired Total Liberia and Total Sierra Leone production declines, S&P Global Platts reports,
Company (AMOC) for units worth EGP15mn towards its goal to become a “market leader” in citing officials from the country’s energy regu-
($950,000mn) annually, Petromaint said in a the African fuel marketing business. lator ANPG.
press release. Those former Total companies, leaders in the The current licensing round for eight blocks
The contract was effective as of November 1. importing and marketing of petroleum products in the lower Congo and Kwanza basins is enter-
It provides comprehensive mechanical, electrical in the respective countries, have been renamed ing its second stage as Angola plans one-on-one
and automatic control maintenance services. Conex Oil & Gas Liberia and Conex Oil & Gas meetings with interested companies. ANPG
The joint co-operation between the majority Sierra Leone. director of negotiations Hermenegildo Buila
state-owned companies is in line with directives Conex also said it hopes the acquisition will told the Africa Oil Week in Dubai on Thursday
of Petroleum Minister Tarek El Molla on the further encourage private sector development (November 11) that such discussions would
need to achieve integration and enhance co-op- in the Mano River Union, which comprises be followed by invitation letters, likely in early
eration between companies affiliated within the Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Cote d’Ivoire, January.
petroleum sector in various fields. according to the Liberian Observer. Angola, Africa’s second-largest crude oil
bna/IntelliNews, November 15 2021 bna/IntelliNews, November 16 2021 producer, has seen production decline over
the past five years due to technical and opera-
Kuwait Energy Egypt spuds NIGERIA tional problems at some fields. Output peaked
at 1.9mn barrels per day (bpd) in 2008 and this
Al Jahraa-13 development NNPC to get $1.04bn year will be closer to about 1.1mn bpd, according
to a presentation during Buila’s comments, S&P
well onshore Egypt Global Platts reports.
Output would gradually rebound for the next
United Oil & Gas (UOG) has announced that from Afreximbank for two years to 2023 and then fall again to 2027
Kuwait Energy Egypt, the operator of Abu Sen- petroleum exploration before climbing once again to reach more than
nan licence, has spudded the Al Jahraa-13 devel- 1.2mn bpd in 2031 if new opportunities were
opment (AJ-13) well in onshore Egypt. UOG, Nigerian state oil company NNPC has signed a included.
an independent oil and gas company with a $1.04bn facility with the African Export-Import bna/IntelliNews, November 11 2021
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