Page 16 - AfrOil Week 46 2021
P. 16
Victoria Oil & Gas
issues update on
Logbaba well La-108
Victoria Oil & Gas, the Cameroon based gas
and condensate producer and distributor, has
provided an update on the Logbaba well La-108,
onshore Cameroon.
Perforations have been successfully added to
well La-108 safely and under budget
As a result, an additional 42 metres of net pay
has been added in the Upper Logbaba Forma-
tion in the well
In the first few days of production, the well
has supplied up to 5.7 mcf per day of produc- water depth and is planned to be drilled to a commented: “Importantly, the initial processing
tion (all that has been needed), with a flowing depth of approximately 3,400 metres. The drill- results of the seismic acquisition has produced
wellhead pressure of over 200 barg (a unit of ing campaign is expected to take approximately high quality data revealing a variety of structural
pressure) 30 days. and stratigraphic features providing for a target
Additional perforations have been success- The well is designed to drill into a series of rich environment for the upcoming drilling pro-
fully added to well La-108, with operations car- vertically stacked targets with a combined gramme. The early indications from the prelim-
ried out safely and under budget, despite several estimated recoverable, prospective resource inary seismic processing are very encouraging
periods of thunderstorms with nearby lightning of 1.118bn barrels (arithmetic sum of the Best and particularly the strong amplitude anomalies
strikes, during which operations were sus- Estimates, un-risked, 559mn barrels net to FAR) observed in the Muzarabani structure and along
pended. Because of the depth and pressure dif- and FAR calculates the chance of geological suc- the basin margin fault. While we look forward to
ference between the upper and lower sands of the cess for the various horizons to range from 7% the final processed products and interpretation
Logbaba Formation, it is traditional to perforate to 36%. of the entire CB21 Survey which will also ena-
the Logbaba wells in two or more stages to avoid The targets are: Bambo (S390 & S400), two ble better characterisation of the primary Upper
excessive differential pressures in the wellbore. shallower horizons not previously intersected; Angwa target in the Muzarabani prospect, these
A further 42 metres of net pay has been added Soloo (S410 & S440), the extension of the hydro- initial results are encouraging as we progress
in the Upper Logbaba Formation in well La-108 carbon-bearing reservoirs in the adjacent Sango- with the selection of optimal drilling locations
as a result of the recent perforations, adding to mar oilfield, Senegal; Soloo Deep (S552 & S562), for the upcoming drilling campaign scheduled
the 30 metres of net pay that was perforated in two additional horizons, also not previously for H1-2022.”
November 2020 and put on production in Feb- penetrated. (Soloo Deep has a lower chance of The Cabora Bassa Project encompasses the
ruary, 2021. success but higher potential volumes.) Muzarabani Prospect, an 8.2 trillion cubic feet
Well La-108 was shut in on June 9, 2021, to FAR Ltd, November 15 2021 (232.2bn cubic metres) and liquids rich conven-
perform a pressure build-up (PBU), and the tional gas-condensate target, which is potentially
shut-in wellhead pressure (SIWHP) had built Invictus Energy reports the largest, undrilled seismically defined struc-
up to 229 barg at the commencement of the per- ture onshore Africa. The prospect is defined by
forating operation, and indeed was continuing to on preliminary seismic a robust dataset acquired by Mobil in the early
build up. This compares to an initial SIWHP of 1990s that includes seismic, gravity, aeromag-
177 barg on June 10, a day after the well was shut results at Cabora Bassa netic and geochemical data. The Company is
in for the PBU. advancing the current exploration programme
Victoria Oil & Gas, November 16 2021 Invictus Energy has provided an update on the and has completed a new 840-km infill seismic
activities of its 80% owned and operated Cabora data acquisition campaign to refine drilling loca-
FAR spuds Bambo-1 Bassa Project in Zimbabwe. tions for a planned H1-2022 basin opening drill-
CB21 Seismic Survey Preliminary Results ing campaign including the Muzarabani-1 well.
exploration well in Block A2 Encouraging: Following the completion of Invictus Energy, November 12 2021
the Cabora Bassa 2021 seismic survey in early
offshore The Gambia November, which acquired a total of 839.3 km Africa Energy provides
of high resolution 2D seismic data, preliminary
FAR Gambia, a wholly-owned subsidiary of FAR processing by EarthSignal of selected lines is update on South Africa’s
Ltd has commenced drilling on the Bambo-1 demonstrating encouraging results. In addition,
exploration well in Block A2, offshore The Gam- the previous survey acquired by Mobil will be Block 11B/12B
bia. The Stena IceMax drillship arrived on site on reprocessed by EarthSignal in conjunction with
November 12 and after completing preparations the CB21 Survey to integrate the legacy dataset Announcing its financial and operating results
has successfully spudded the well. and apply insights to the entire Cabora Bassa for the three and nine months ended September
The Bambo-1 well is located approximately Basin. 30, 2021, Africa Energy provided an update on
85 km offshore The Gambia, in 930 metres of Invictus Managing Director Scott Macmillan Block 11B/12B, offshore South Africa.
P16 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 46 17•November•2021