Page 17 - AfrOil Week 46 2021
P. 17

AfrOil                                      NEWS IN BRIEF                                              AfrOil

       On Block 11B/12B, the Company and its joint  lines to connect Lesedi to the existing power grid  by certain Directors.
       venture partners are contemplating an early pro-  is expected to be completed in 2023.  Use of Proceeds: The funds will be used to
       duction system (EPS) for a phased development   The prototype hydrogen production unit is  provide general working capital for the Com-
       of the Paddavissie Fairway. The joint venture  being designed, built and tested in Brisbane prior  pany in order to continue its strategy of identi-
       is currently performing development studies  to transportation to Lesedi in H1-2022, when  fying and evaluating high-quality assets in West
       and preparing a field development plan and an  production trials will commence. The successful  Africa at depressed valuations with substantial
       environmental application with the intention of  production of hydrogen and solid carbon prod-  upside for shareholders. The Company is cur-
       agreeing gas terms and submitting an applica-  ucts could allow the Company to achieve ear-  rently assessing several investment opportu-
       tion for a Production Right before the Explora-  ly-stage revenue ahead of gas-to-power revenue  nities, in line with ADM’s growth plans and its
       tion Right expires in September 2022. The EPS  under the 10-MW PPA.      established relationships with project debt and
       would provide first gas and condensate pro-  Hydrogen Prototype Design: The Compa-  off-take lenders, which the board considers may
       duction from the Luiperd discovery and would  ny’s hydrogen technology partner Synergen  have the potential to add significant value to
       accelerate the Block 11B/12B development  Met (SM), a leading specialist in plasma torch  ADM.
       timeline by utilising existing nearby infrastruc-  and pyrolysis technology, has informed the   Aje Field Update: The Company has previ-
       ture on the adjacent block in order to supply gas  Company that preliminary engineering for  ously reported the intentions of the Aje Joint
       to existing customers in Mossel Bay. The EPS is  their hydrogen-carbon production process has  Partners to explore the further development of
       expected to significantly decrease the required  been completed. The plasma torch will be tested  the Aje Field and the production of a field devel-
       capital expenditures to reach first production on  and configured to optimise hydrogen and solid  opment plan (FDP).
       Block 11B/12B.                      carbon production. A consultant engineering   The Partners continue to work on a final
         The Company expects that a full development  company (Kemplant) has been engaged to assist  investment decision on a new multi-phase
       of the Paddavissie Fairway would follow the EPS  with the prototype engineering to allow detailed  development plan for the Aje Field which could
       as the gas market expands in South Africa. We  design and fabrication to commence. Testing  significantly increase production levels. The
       are encouraged by the ongoing analysis of the  of the plasma torch to determine the optimum  FDP for the initial phase is primarily focused
       seismic data that has identified additional pro-  parameters for the production of hydrogen and  on the development of two new oil wells and a
       spectivity in the Paddavissie Fairway and to the  solid carbon is progressing.  gas injector well which initial appraisals indicate
       east, confirming the large exploration upside   Net Zero CO2 emissions potential: Once the  could increase gross field production to 9,000
       remaining across the block. The development  prototype arrives at Lesedi it will utilise Tlou’s  barrels per day (bpd) of oil and liquids. These
       of Block 11B/12B will have positive implications  existing gas flows to produce hydrogen and solid  wells are intended to be tied-back to the existing
       for the South African economy and will be criti-  carbon by-products. Net Zero CO2 emissions  Floating Production Storage and Off-loading
       cal in facilitating the country’s energy transition  potential will be achieved following the planned  Vessel (FPSO), via a subsea manifold located at
       beyond coal with a domestic natural gas supply.  addition of Solar PV energy.  the present drill centre.
       Africa Energy, November 09 2021        The use of plasma technology for hydrogen   As part of the FDP, ADM’s technical team
                                           production will be a first for the sub-Saharan  has examined the feasibility of using the existing
                                           region and could have major implications for  infrastructure available, where possible, for the
       HYDROGEN                            the production of low emissions, clean energy  supply of the two new subsea wells, Aje-6 and
                                           across the region – similarly in the related fields  Aje-7. Based on the findings of our review, which
       Tlou Energy to produce              of waste-to-energy and waste disposal.  has been passed to the Partners’ technical com-
                                              Tlou and SM intend to use the hydrogen  mittee, the Company’s view is that the existing
       green hydrogen at the               produced from the prototype to generate elec-  subsea hardware infrastructure are able to be
                                           tricity and possibly for transport fuel (initially in  used for the new wells, subject to a confirmatory
       Lesedi Power Project                Tlou’s own vehicles). Solid carbon will be made  integrity inspection. In addition, the analysis
                                           available for regional consumers that require the  concluded that any potential topside cost and
       Tlou Energy is focused on delivering secure, sus-  product. World markets for hydrogen and solid  control system hardware compatibility issues
       tainable, and clean power solutions in Botswana  carbon black are predicted to expand considera-  would also be reduced if the same type of subsea
       and sub-Saharan Africa. At the Lesedi Power  bly over the short and medium term.  control module as on the existing tree is used for
       Project Tlou and hydrogen technology partner   SM consider that their process meets the defi-  the proposed wells Aje-6 and Aje-7. The ability to
       Synergen Met are working on combining large,  nition of green hydrogen production via their  use the existing infrastructure should de-risk the
       established natural gas reserves with abundant  plasma torch gas pyrolysis design.  expansion plans at Aje and would be expected
       solar energy to produce green hydrogen, thus   Tlou Energy, November 11 2021  to provide significant cost savings compared to
       providing a complementary range of cleaner and                           installing additional subsea infrastructure.
       greener power generation options.                                          Barracuda Field Update: As announced on
         Key Points: Green Hydrogen production   FINANCE                        September 30, 2021, ADM’s technical team
       planned at Lesedi in 2022, Prototype Engineer-                           continues to assess the draft of a preliminary
       ing proceeding to schedule, Net Zero CO2 emis-  ADM Energy raises        technical report from the Competent Person for
       sions potential and the possibility to generate                          the Barracuda Field. As reported previously, the
       Carbon Credits, Synergen Met IPO planned in   GBP475,000 through         report is still to be finalised pending further tech-
       the coming months.                                                       nical appraisal and, therefore, ADM will only be
         The Company has secured a 10-MW Power   share placement                able to finalise the proposed development plans
       Purchase Agreement (PPA) with Botswana                                   for Barracuda once it is completed.
       Power Corp. (BPC), and power dispatch under  ADM Energy has raised a total of GBP475,000   The Company expects to provide a further
       this PPA will help displace existing carbon-in-  before costs by way of a placing for new ordinary  update to the market before year end.
       tensive power. The construction of transmission  shares in the Company with and a subscription   ADM Energy, November 15 2021

       Week 46   17•November•2021               www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P17
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