Page 14 - AfrOil Week 46 2021
P. 14
With the Nigeria National Petroleum Corp.’s In August, Minister of State for Petroleum
(NNPC) refineries at Port Harcourt, Kaduna Resources Timipre Sylva said the “programme
and Warri all offline for rehabilitation work, is on course.”
Waltersmith is currently the country’s only He added: “Modular refineries, we have
active refinery. licensed quite a bit. I am not in a position to give
In April, the Department of Petroleum you an exact figure now but I know that a few of
Resources (DPR) – recently replaced by the new these refineries are under construction and very
Nigerian Midstream and Downstream Petro- soon we will be commissioned.”
leum Regulatory Authority (NPRA) – published Sylva went on to say that the Waltersmith
an updated list which showed that 23 refinery facility is “functioning well.” He also noted that
project licences were active as of March. If they he had “also laid the foundation stone for Atlan-
were all completed, they would provide an addi- tic refinery and there is Niger Delta own that is
tional refining capacity of 1.09mn bpd. ongoing.”
Coral-Sul FLNG ready to sail to
Mozambique’s Rovuma basin
MOZAMBIQUE AFRICA’S first floating LNG (FLNG) facility half of 2022, and it will contribute to increase gas
planned to be deployed in the continent’s deep availability in a tight market.”
waters is ready to sail to Mozambique from The FLNG is part of the Coral South project,
South Korea. which reached the final investment decision
The Coral-Sul FLNG facility will set sail to (FID) stage in 2017, only 36 months after the
Area 4, the first development in Mozambique’s drilling o fthe last appraisal well. FLNG fabri-
offshore Rovuma Basin after its naming cere- cation and building activities, which started in
mony at Samsung Heavy Industries (SHI) ship- 2018, were completed on cost and time.
yard in Geoje in South Korea. Area 4 is operated by Mozambique Rovuma
Coral-Sul FLNG’s naming and sail away cere- Venture (MRV), a joint venture owned by Eni,
mony, held on November 15, 2021, was attended ExxonMobil (US) and CNPC (China) that holds
by Mozambique’s President Filipe Jacinto Nyusi 70% of the Area 4 exploration and production
and South Korea’s President Moon Jae-in. concession contract. In addition to MRV, Galp
“The FLNG will be towed and moored at (Portugal), KOGAS (South Korea) and Mozam-
its operating site in Rovuma Basin offshore bique’s national oil company (NOC) ENH each
Mozambique,” Italy’s Eni, the leader of the Coral hold 10% stakes in Area 4. Eni, as offshore dele-
South LNG project, said in a statement last week. gated operator, is leading building and operation
“Production startup is expected in [the] second of the FLNG facility on MRV’s behalf.
The Coral-Sul FLNG has sailed from SHI’s shipyard in Geoje (Photo: SHI)
P14 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 46 17•November•2021