Page 10 - AfrOil Week 46 2021
P. 10

AfrOil                                            POLICY                                               AfrOil

                         However, upon its announcement, VEB deputy   have been announced.
                         chairman Daniil Algulyan said: “The project   However, there have been reports suggesting
                         will be financed on an inter-bank lending basis.   that the 100,000 bpd figure is a start-up capac-
                         VEB is willing to provide funding for Morocco’s   ity, with a longer-term target of reaching 200,000
                         partner to buy equipment and services from   bpd.
                         Russian counterparties. The direct lender of the   Given the cost of building a refinery of this
                         project’s company will be a bank of the Kingdom   scale, and the availability of the Mohammedia
                         of Morocco.”                         unit, a greenfield investment would appear to
                           Aside from a planned slate that is to include   make little sense. Indeed, no updates have been
                         gasoline, Euro V diesel, jet fuel, Euro IV fuel and   provided by either of the parties involved since
                         bitumen, few details about the planned refinery   last year. ™

       Senegal calls for equitable energy

       transition based on natural gas

            SENEGAL      SENEGAL is taking a proactive approach to   just by using renewable energy. We need to
                         ensuring recently discovered hydrocarbon   ensure a just, equitable energy transition and it
                         reserves and the country’s burgeoning oil and   is our right to develop these natural resources
                         gas sector are developed responsibly, Minister   in Senegal.”
                         of Petroleum and Energies Sophie Gladima told   Since the discovery of large-scale oil and gas
                         investors at the ongoing African Energy Week   discoveries in the offshore waters of Senegal and
                         event in South Africa.               Mauritania between 2014–2017, the country
                           Since the Emerging Senegal Plan was   and the MSGBC Basin as whole is considered
                         launched in 2012 by President Macky Sall, tar-  among the top oil and gas plays underway in
                         geting universal access to electricity, 32% of the   West Africa.
                         country’s energy production comes from solar   “MSGBC” is an acronym consisting of the
                         and wind energy, Gladima said, noting the   initial letters of the countries situated in what is
                         adoption of mini-grid solutions particularly in   in fact a collection of sub-basins, namely: Mau-
                         more remote and less-populated areas.  ritania, Senegal, Gambia, GuineaBissau, and
                           “[We] are working hard to achieve universal   Guinea (Conakry).
                         access as soon as possible and hopefully by 2025.   The Grande Tortue/Ahmeyim (GTA) gas
                         We want to be able to also export electricity to   project, located between Senegal and Maurita-
                         neighbouring countries, and want to do the   nia, and the Sangomar field are reshaping the
                         same for natural gas,” Gladima said in a state-  sub-Saharan African oil and gas sector and sup-
                         ment on November 11, Energy Capital & Power   porting growth, Gladima said. These major pro-
                         reports.                             jects are set to come onstream over the course of
                           “Developing our natural gas industry is one   2023–2024 and position Dakar as West Africa’s
                         of our top priorities and it is important for Africa   strategic hub for the oil and gas sector, and Sene-
                         to work together and develop as other countries   gal as the gateway to the MSGBC Basin, accord-
                         do. But our industrialization will not be done   ing to Energy Capital & Power. ™

                                            Sophie Gladima (L) discussed Senegal’s gas plans last week (Photo: African Energy

       P10                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 46   17•November•2021
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