Page 5 - AfrOil Week 46 2021
P. 5

AfrOil                                       COMMENTARY                                                AfrOil

                         However, it was not exactly surprising in light of   ongoing Moroccan upstream projects.
                         the fact that relations between Algiers and Rabat   “Indigenous sources of gas such as the Ten-
                         have been deteriorating over the last few years.  drara-5 Horst, Lalla Mimouna Sud, Moulay
                           Algerian officials allege that tensions are   Bouchta Ouest and Lixus projects could also
                         rising because of the Moroccan government’s   increase long-term domestic gas production,” he
                         alleged support for the Movement for the   told NewsBase. (TE-5 Horst has been assigned
                         Autonomy of Kabylie, an ethnic Berber group   to Sound Energy, while Lalla Mimouna Sud and
                         demanding the right to self-governance in Kab-  Moulay Bouchta Ouest are being developed by
                         ylie Province. They have also charged Morocco   SDX Energy. Meanwhile, Lixus, the offshore
                         of complicity in the wave of forest fires that   block that includes the Anchois gas field, is held
                         swept northern Algeria in early August of this   by Chariot Oil & Gas. All three of these compa-
                         year, killing more than 90 people.   nies are based in the UK.)
                           Morocco’s government, for its part, has
                         charged Algeria with backing the Polisario   FSRUs for LNG imports
                         Front, a group formed to establish Western   On the other hand, Morocco is considering the
                         Sahara’s independence from Morocco. Offi-  possibility of using floating storage and regasifi-
                         cials in Rabat have also been responding more   cation units (FSRUs) to import gas in the form of
                         harshly to Algiers’ claims since they secured the   LNG. According to Sherriff, the North African
                         US government’s pledge to support the Moroc-  state might be able to start receiving gas in this
                         can claim to sovereignty over Western Sahara in   fashion a few years down the road.
                         exchange for the normalisation of relations with   “In the longer term, gas shortages could
                         Israel.                              be filled [with] imported LNG,” he said.  Morocco might
                                                              “[US-based] Predator [Oil & Gas] has submitted   be able to start
                         Algeria’s promises to Europe         a bid to build a floating LNG [FLNG] regasifica-
                         In the run-up to the shutdown of the GME pipe-  tion terminal with an initial capacity of 110mn   using FSRUs
                         line, Algeria’s government did try to assuage   cubic feet [3.12mn cubic metres] per day by
                         Spain’s concerns about possible gas shortages.  2025, rising to 170 mmcf [4.81 mcm] per day in   to import LNG
                           Specifically, officials in Algiers pledged last   2030 and 300 mmcf [8.5 mcm] per day in 2040.”
                         month to compensate Spanish buyers for the loss   Hamish Kinnear, a Middle East and North   a few years
                         of the 6 bcm per year delivered via GME. They   Africa analyst for Verisk Maplecroft, also high-  down the road
                         said they would raise the throughput capacity of   lighted the potential of FSRUs as a possible solu-
                         another pipeline – Medgaz, which passes only   tion for Morocco in the years to come. “Morocco
                         through Algerian territory on its way to Spain   could construct LNG terminals or bring in float-
                         – from 8 bcm per year to 10.5 bcm per year and   ing storage [and] regasification units (FSRU) to
                         also deliver LNG cargoes by tanker if necessary.  import gas normally supplied through GME,” he
                           These promises won’t help Rabat, however.   told NewsBase.
                         Algeria appears to have no interest in discussing   Kinnear indicated that he believed Rabat was
                         the matter with Morocco, so GME is not likely to   keen on the FSRU option, referring to Moroc-
                         resume operations any time soon. As such, the   co’s Minister of Energy Transition and Sustain-
                         Moroccan gas market is set to remain tight for   able Development Leila Benali’s statements on
                         the time being.                      November 8 about plans to prepare local ports
                                                              for incoming LNG shipments. “Tangier may be
                         Domestic gas production              a possible location for an FSRU,” he remarked.
                         In the longer term, there are other supply   Like Sherriff, he said he saw FSRUs as a
                         options.                             longer-term option that was not quite viable yet.
                           On the one hand, Morocco is trying to   Morocco’s gas needs are likely to remain rela-
                         develop its domestic gas resources. The coun-  tively modest for the time being, and the coun-
                         try’s proven gas reserves amounted to 50bn   try can switch to other types of fuel in the short
                         cubic feet (1.42bn cubic metres) as of 2017, but   term, he stated.
                         the number is anticipated to rise as the explo-  “Morocco is able to import more oil and coal
                         ration campaigns being carried out by interna-  and utilise existing spare capacity at other power
                         tional oil companies (IOCs) move forward.  plants ... [There] are increased costs for Morocco
                           Martin Sherriff, the head of Welligence   with the end of Algerian supply, but it’s a major
                         Energy Analytics’ Middle East and North   inconvenience, not an existential issue for its
                         Africa (MENA) group, drew attention to several   energy supply,” he said. ™

                                                                                       (Image: Engie)

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