Page 7 - AfrOil Week 46 2021
P. 7

AfrOil                                        INVESTMENT                                               AfrOil

       Angola highlights potential for oil, gas

       development at Africa Energy Week

            ANGOLA       TOP executives from Angola’s National Oil, Gas
                         and Biofuels Agency (ANPG) showcased the
                         country’s potential for oil and gas developments
                         at a session of African Energy Week on Novem-
                         ber 10, inviting investors to take part in upcom-
                         ing bid rounds, Energy Capital & Power reports.
                           ANPG’s executive administrator Belarmino
                         Chitangueleca suggested that the agency is will-
                         ing to meet investors halfway with more com-
                         petitive contractual terms.
                           “Angola has great prospectivity, and that
                         will not change. What can change are the fis-
                         cal and contractual conditions, but if investors
                         want changes to those, they need to come to us   Chitangueleca drew attention to Angolan oil and gas (Photo: African Energy Week)
                         and tell us what they want,” Chitangueleca was
                         quoted as saying by Energy Capital & Power.  of our earlier successes and for eight years we
                           ANPG’s latest oil and gas block offer,   did not have any licensing rounds to promote
                         launched in September, follows a new “open   new exploration and discoveries, but that time
                         door” policy allowing investors to discuss pro-  has now ended,” he said.
                         posals for selected blocks at any time without the   ANPG plans to shorten its bid round cycles
                         need for a formal call for proposals, he noted.  from 12 to nine months in yet another effort
                           Chitangueleca also pointed out that ANPG’s   to accelerate exploration and discoveries. This
                         current exploration promotion initiative comes   process is expected to take effect when Ango-
                         after nearly a decade without any licensing of   la’s Petroleum Minister Diamantino Azevedo
                         Angolan assets                       launches the agency’s new bid round for deep
                           “We allowed ourselves to sleep on the back   offshore blocks by the end of 2021. ™

       Hyphen Hydrogen Energy plans Namibia’s

       first large-scale green hydrogen project

            NAMIBIA        Namibian-based hydrogen start-up Hyphen   such as green ammonia.
                         Hydrogen Energy will develop the country’s first   The announcement followed a competitive
                         green mega-project.                  tender process.
                           The Namibian government named Hyphen   Hyphen Hydrogen Energy has won the right
                         Hydrogen Energy as the preferred bidder this   to construct and operate the project for a 40-year
                         week to develop the country’s first large-scale   period following the conclusion of the feasibility
                         green hydrogen production project. The com-  study and sign-off from the government.
                         pany will invest up to $9.4bn over the next nine   “The first phase, which is expected to enter
                         years to develop the country’s first large-scale,   production in 2026, will see the creation of 2
                         vertically integrated green hydrogen project in   GW of renewable electricity generation capac-
                         the Tsau//Khaeb national park.       ity to produce green hydrogen for conversion
                           ENERTRAG AG, the German-based      into green ammonia, at an estimated capital
                         renewable energy company, is a shareholder in   cost of $4.4bn. Further expansion phases in
                         Hyphen Hydrogen Energy.              the late 2020s will expand combined renewable
                           The project is set to produce 300,000 tonnes   generation capacity to 5 GW and 3 GW of elec-
                         per year (tpy) of green hydrogen for regional and   trolyser capacity, increasing the combined total
                         global markets. Its production will be sold either   investment to $9.4bn,” said Hyphen CEO Marco
                         as pure green hydrogen or in a derivative form,   Raffinetti.

       Week 46   17•November•2021               www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P7
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