Page 8 - AfrOil Week 46 2021
P. 8

AfrOil                                         INVESTMENT                                              AfrOil

                                                 The facility will be built in the Tsau/Khaeb national park (Photo: Wikimedia)

                         Once fully developed, the project will provide   in their respective fields. “This collective deep
                         a major boost to Namibia in terms of foreign   technical expertise across the entire green
                         direct investment (FDI) and job creation. The   hydrogen value chain, combined with our
                         $9.4bn investment is of the same order of mag-  financial strength and experience in developing,
                         nitude as the country’s current GDP.   fundraising and implementing infrastructure
                           In addition to taxes, Hyphen will pay con-  projects in Africa, will be crucial in success-
                         cession fees, royalties, a sovereign wealth fund   fully delivering a project of this magnitude and
                         contribution and an environmental levy to the   complexity,” he said. “This is exactly the type
                         government.                          of investment the board aims to attract, as it is
                           “The Tsau /Khaeb national park is among   directly aligned to our mandate of unlocking
                         the top five locations in the world for low-cost   investment opportunities that drive the econ-
                         hydrogen production, benefiting from a com-  omy forward, and most importantly, improve
                         bination of co-located onshore wind and solar   the quality of life for all Namibians.”
                         resources near the sea and land export routes to   Nangula Nelulu Uaandja, the CEO of the
                         market,” said Raffinetti.            Namibian Investment Promotion and Devel-
                           “Namibia’s world-class natural resources,   opment Board (NIPDB), said the project was
                         combined with a progressive, pro-investment   a milestone project that will enable the country
                         and visionary government under the leadership   to create on average 15,000 direct jobs over the
                         of President Hage Geingob, has enabled the   four years of combined construction and 3,000
                         country to move with incredible speed to posi-  permanent direct jobs over the 40-year opera-
                         tion itself at the leading edge of Africa’s ambi-  tional period, while contributing to other efforts
                         tions to enter the green hydrogen production   to stimulate economic recovery.
                         space,” he added.                      “We look forward to welcoming Hyphen as
                           Hyphen’s director, Dr Tobias Bischof-Niemz,   an investor in Namibia and reiterate the board’s
                         said the consortium comprised shareholders   commitment to creating a conducive environ-
                         and technical partners that were world leaders   ment for investment,” she said. ™

       Another chapter in SAMIR’s curious case

            MOROCCO      ENVIRONMENTAL groups say petrochem-  Prime Minister Aziz Akhannouch in October,
                         icals giant Sasol’s climate transition plans are   an industry body affiliated with the Democratic
                         simply not good enough and are still calling for   Confederation of Labour (CDT) urged the min-
                         divestment in the company.           ister to show the “courage” to intervene and save
                           Employees of Morocco’s lone refiner have   Societe Anonyme Marocaine de l’Industrie du
                         reached out to the state to intervene in the liq-  Raffinage (SAMIR).
                         uidation case, which was launched shortly after   The company had operated the 200,000 bar-
                         the company was mothballed in 2015.  rel per day (bpd) facility at Mohammedia until
                           In an open letter sent to the country’s new   its closure.

       P8                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 46   17•November•2021
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