Page 16 - AfrOil Week 45 2021
P. 16

AfrOil                                      NEWS IN BRIEF                                              AfrOil

       Speaking on other aspects of the oil and gas value  Government for its swift response to economic  efficient and uniquely interactive approach to the
       chain, the Executive Secretary indicated that the  shocks the dwindling price of oil brought dur-  processing.
       midstream activities behoove operators within  ing the heightened state of the corona virus   Importantly, the initial processing results
       the sector to ensure the National Strategic Stock,  pandemic within the last quarter of 2019 and  of the seismic acquisition has produced high
       enhance the decommissioning and abandon-  mid-2020. Mr. Phillips in his welcome address,  quality data revealing a variety of structural and
       ment fund and eliminate government’s regula-  indicated that the decisions of government  stratigraphic features providing for a target rich
       tion on pricing of petroleum products. He also  brought about outcomes which formed the ful-  environment for the upcoming drilling pro-
       added that the Act will ensure gas flaring penal-  crum of this year’s international conference.  gramme scheduled for early Q1-2022.
       ties, establishment of Midstream Gas Infrastruc-  He hinted that from the Year of Gas declared   The Company will continue processing the
       ture, and special regulation for Midstream and  in 2020 and aggressively elevated to a Decade  data to maximise image quality and has begun
       Downstream Gas Operations as well as Natural  of Gas in the first quarter of this year, Nigeria  the interpretation of the data, integrating availa-
       Gas Prices for strategic sectors. In summary, he  seemed to have found its path to restoration  ble stratigraphic well data, with the intention of
       maintained that the Act will boost Local Content  and a possible growth trajectory. A consensus,  identifying new well locations by year end.
       implementation in the oil and gas industry.  which he mentioned, arose from practical deci-  Immanuel Mulunga, Managing Director of
         In a presentation on “Boosting the Nation’s  sions amongst stakeholders to offer clean energy  NAMCOR, commented: “NAMCOR is excited
       Economy through Gas Utilisation”, the Man-  solutions in a sustainable manner.  by the preliminary results of the recently con-
       aging Director and Chief Executive Officer of   NCDMB, November 6 2021   cluded 2D seismic survey in our licence area.
       Nigeria LNG Limited, Dr. Philip Mshelbila dis-                           While we look forward to the processing and
       cussed the context of energy transition in the                           interpretation of the entire 2D survey, these ini-
       light of cleaner, cheaper and sustainable energy.   UPSTREAM             tial findings give us extra confidence to choose
       The Chief Executive who was represented by                               the optimal drilling locations for the upcoming
       the Manager, Corporate Communication and   ReconAfrica, NAMCOR           drilling campaign.”
       Public Affairs, Sophia Horsfall, stated that giant                         Dr. Jim Granath, an independent director
       technological advancements have been made in   provide preliminary results   at ReconAfrica, stated: “These initial results of
       the area of renewable energy and battery stor-                           the first 2D seismic programme prove that our
       age. However, renewables alone cannot meet   from seismic programme in   acquisition and processing programme provides
       the energy demand in a sustainable manner and                            good quality interpretable data, and that seismic
       natural gas is the next cheapest option. “It is the   Kavango Basin      will be a cornerstone of our current and future
       smart option to renewables,” Mshelbila asserted.                         exploration programme. This initial seismic
         Speaking earlier, the Conference Chairman  Reconnaissance Energy Africa (ReconAfrica)  data proves the Company’s basic premise, that
       and Chief Executive of Degeconeck Nigeria,  and its joint venture partner NAMCOR (the  the Kavango Basin is clearly a rift basin (geolog-
       Biodun Adesanya set the tone for the interna-  state oil company of Namibia) have provided  ically different from the Owambo Basin), with
       tional conference with the theme, “PIA: Energy  initial results from the first seismic acquisition  similar features to many of the world’s petroleum
       Transition and the Future of Nigeria’s Oil and  programme ever conducted in the Kavango  producing provinces.”
       Gas,” where he stressed the need for participants  Basin, in northeast Namibia.  ReconAfrica, November 9 2021
       to embrace the significance of the occasion and   As reported on October 21, 2021, 450 line-km
       chart the way forward to effectively communi-  of seismic data were successfully acquired within   Invictus Energy completes
       cate rather than inform the public on govern-  budget and on schedule. Third-party process-
       ment’s policy on the gas revolution and energy  ing of this data by DownUnder GeoSolutions   Cabora Bassa seismic
       transition.                         (America) LLC in Houston, Texas, and Absolute
         In the same vein, the NAEC Chairman, Olu  Imaging Inc. in Calgary, Canada, began as each   survey
       Phillips, commended the initiative of the Federal  seismic line was acquired, providing a very time
                                                                                Invictus Energy has provided an update on the
                                                                                activities of its 80% owned and operated Cabora
                                                                                Bassa Project in Zimbabwe.
                                                                                  CB21 Seismic Survey Completed: The Cab-
                                                                                ora Bassa 2021 seismic survey has been com-
                                                                                pleted with a total of 839.5 km of high resolution
                                                                                2D seismic data acquired. A total of 402.2 km
                                                                                of data was acquired in SG 4571 and following
                                                                                approvals a further 437.1 km of contiguous data
                                                                                was acquired in an existing application area. The
                                                                                CB21 Seismic Survey significantly exceeds the
                                                                                Company’s minimum work programme obliga-
                                                                                tions of 300km of 2D seismic data for the current
                                                                                licence period, which runs to June 2024.
                                                                                  The remaining geophone retrieval was com-
                                                                                pleted on November 2, and final data harvest-
                                                                                ing will be completed in the coming days. The
                                                                                demobilisation of equipment and personnel has
                                                                                commenced and is expected to be completed in
                                                                                the next week.

       P16                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 45   10•November•2021
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