Page 17 - AfrOil Week 45 2021
P. 17

AfrOil                                      NEWS IN BRIEF                                              AfrOil

       The HSE performance throughout the pro-                                  year to-date are exclusive of any effective date
       gramme has been exceptional, and the project                             adjustments that will be made upon ratification.
       has now exceeded 142,000 hours without a Lost                            TransGlobe Energy, November 3 2021
       Time Injury (LTI) or recordable incident and is a
       testament to the Polaris and Invictus teams.
         The CB21 Seismic Survey generated nearly                               LOCAL CONTENT
       200 direct jobs during the campaign for the local
       Muzarabani and Mbire communities as well as                              NCDMB holds corporate
       the procurement of goods and services from
       local suppliers in keeping with the Company’s                            governance workshop for
       strong local content policy. The Company also
       implemented a student and lecturer attach-  and Canadian sales of $36.82 per boe. Funds   partner companies
       ment programme from the local universities  flow from operations of $12.4mn ($0.17 per
       to develop and transfer skills in the oil and gas  share) in the quarter. Third quarter net earn-  The Nigerian Content Development and Mon-
       industry.                           ings of $37.1mn ($0.51 per share), inclusive of  itoring Board (NCDMB) has rounded off a
         Invictus Managing Director Scott Macmil-  a $31.5mn non-cash impairment reversal and a  two-day Corporate Governance workshop for
       lan commented: “The completion of the CB21  $1.3mn unrealised gain on derivative commod-  companies that benefitted from its equity invest-
       Seismic Survey is a significant milestone for  ity contracts. Ended the third quarter with posi-  ments or partnerships in project development.
       the Company in our exploration programme  tive working capital of $17.7mn, including cash   Welcoming participants, the Director, Legal
       in the Cabora Bassa Basin. The quality of the  of $54.0mn;               Services, Mohammed Umar hinted that work-
       high-resolution seismic data we have acquired   Operational highlights: Third quarter pro-  shop was conceived by the Board to create a win-
       is excellent and providing great insights into the  duction averaged 13,342 boepd (Egypt 11,276  dow of discussions and feedback between the
       petroleum potential of the basin. The Company  bpd, Canada 2,066 boepd), an increase of 265  Board’s top management and affiliate companies
       would like to acknowledge Polaris and the local  boepd (2%) from the previous quarter, primarily  where the Board has invested or partnered, with
       Invictus and One-Gas teams for the outstanding  due to well optimisation activities and new drill-  a view to understanding the Board’s expectations
       seismic campaign which has generated a fantas-  ing in Egypt, partially offset by natural declines  from their projects.
       tic dataset and importantly was achieved with  while awaiting the production start from new   Also speaking, the Director, Finance and Per-
       excellent health and safety performance with  drilling in Canada. Production in October aver-  sonnel Management, NCDMB, Isaac Yalah indi-
       142,000 hours LTI and incident free.  aged about 13,882 boepd (Egypt about 10,964  cated that the training was also geared to catalyze
         “The seismic data processing and interpre-  bpd, Canada about 2,918 boepd), an increase of  businesses in Nigeria by providing a mechanism
       tation is ongoing once completed will enable us  4% from Q3-2021.        that would grow businesses in line with the
       to identify and mature additional prospects and   Ended the quarter with nil entitlement crude  Board’s 10-year strategic roadmap. “This led the
       leads. The better imaging over the giant Muzara-  oil inventory, a decrease of 140.3mn barrels from  Board to develop an investment policy and cre-
       bani structure is very encouraging and once the  Q2-2021. This decrease is due to an increase in  ate the Commercial Ventures Department that
       interpretation of the full dataset is completed, we  sales volumes as a result of the Q3-2021 cargo  will intervene in all of the Board’s commercial
       expect to refine the location for the basin open-  lifting, partially offset by a slight increase in  and investment related activities”, he said.
       ing Muzarabani-1 well which is scheduled to be  production.                He stated that as part of the initiative, a two-
       drilled in H1-2022.”                   Drilled two development oil wells at West  fold approach of looking into specialised pro-
       Invictus Energy, November 3 2021    Bakr in the Eastern Desert, Egypt, both success-  jects and how to intervene by lending support
                                           fully encountering oil-bearing sands and placed  to participants was put in place. He reiterated
                                           on production. A third development oil well  that this was in line with the key objectives of the
       PERFORMANCE                         was spud at West Bakr subsequent to the quar-  10-year strategic roadmap to create 300,000 jobs
                                           ter. Drilled one well at North West Gharib in the  and ensure Nigerian Content grows to about
       TransGlobe Energy                   Eastern Desert, Egypt. Drilled an oil exploration  70% by 2027. He disclosed that the training is
                                           well on the SGZ-7B prospect at South Ghazalat  to meet that objective and create sustainability
       announces Q3-2021 results           in the Western Desert, Egypt subsequent to the  for the companies, develop a matrix for effective
                                                                                peer review and for collaboration.
       TransGlobe Energy has announced its financial   Corporate highlights: Amounts outstand-  Delivering a keynote address on behalf of
       and operating results for the three- and nine-  ing under the Mercuria prepayment agreement  the Executive Secretary, Simbi Wabote, the
       month periods ended September 30, 2021.  were repaid in full during the quarter. On Sep-  Director, Planning, Research and Statistics, Pat-
         Financial highlights: Third quarter sales aver-  tember 27, 2021, the prepayment agreement was  rick Obah commended all parties involved in
       aged 14,868 boepd, including 307.5mn barrels  amended to $10mn (undrawn) and extended to  driving the vision of the workshop targeted at
       sold to EGPC for net proceeds of $20.9mn and  December 31, 2021, to coincide with the expiry  the production sub-sector. Obah regretted the
       one cargo lifting of 499.6mn barrels of entitle-  of the Company’s remaining Brent crude oil  prevalence of company failures in the country,
       ment crude oil for net proceeds of $33.3mn (col-  hedges of 150mn barrels.  a situation the Board had to bring its affiliate
       lected in August 2021). The overlift portion of   The Company announced a merged conces-  companies together, to analyze behavioral traits,
       the cargo (about 221.7mn barrels) will be settled  sion agreement with a 15-year primary term and  demographic attitude and ability to incorporate
       through future entitlement crude oil production  improved Company economics on December 3,  feedback. He enjoined participants to leave the
       at West Gharib.                     2020. The agreement is currently awaiting ratifi-  workshop better equipped with the skills set to
         Average realised price for Q3-2021 sales  cation by the Egyptian Parliament but will have  effectively manage the operations of their com-
       of $60.85 per boe; Q3-2021 average realised  a February 2020 effective date upon ratification.  panies and to primarily promote local content.
       price on Egyptian sales of $64.73 per barrel  As such, the results achieved in Q3-2021 and   NCDMB, November 8 2021

       Week 45   10•November•2021               www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P17
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