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AfrOil                           BUSINESS NEW AFRICA PREVIEW                                           AfrOil

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                                      business new africa

       EGYPT                               measures the authority instituted.   GABON
                                              This reduction spans between 2013 to August
       Pharos Energy receives              this year, the chief executive of the authority, Dr   Aquaterra Energy awarded
                                           Mustapha Abdul-Hamid, has revealed.
       cabinet’s approval for              addressing stakeholders at this year’s Consumer   $4.4mn offshore Gabon
                                              The NPA boss made this statement while
       amendments to El Fayum              Week Celebration, which was held under the   conductor tensioning
                                           theme: “Adulterated Fuels: A menace to the con-
       concession agreement                sumer and the economy,” which was held at Ho,   contract
                                           the capital city of the Volta region of Ghana.
       Pharos Energy has received Egyptian cabi-  Some of the key strategies that the author-  Oslo-listed oil & gas company BW Energy
       net approval for the third amendment to its El  ity adopted in fighting fuel crimes include the  has awarded Aquaterra Energy a $4.4mn con-
       Fayum Concession Agreement on November 4.  revision of operating procedures in the import,  tract for repurposing of the Hibiscus Alpha
       The approved terms include both an increase in  export and production of fuels by Petroleum  jack-up rig to an installation offshore Gabon,
       the cost recovery petroleum percentage and an  Service Providers (PSPs) and the introduction of  Oilfield Technology reported on November 10.
       extension of the exploration term of three and a  Petroleum Product Marketing Scheme (PPMS)   Under the contract, Aquaterra Energy will
       half years.                         as well as the Bulk Road Vehicle (BRV) tracking  provide procurement, engineering, manufac-
         The enhancements enshrined in the third  system to ensure that petroleum products are  ture, installation and commissioning support
       amendment are set to deliver a lower break-even  devoid of adulteration and meet the required  of multiple conductor tensioning units for the
       price per barrel and enhanced, earlier cash flow  specification along the supply chain.  repurposing.
       from the producing fields. The improved fiscal   He added that his outfit is poised to wipe out   It will also provide its new digital tensioning
       terms are backdated to November 2020, raising  the rest of the 2.51% culprits. “We are poised  monitoring system, which will remotely monitor
       the contractor share of revenue from 42% to 50%  to wipe out these 2.51% culprits [that are] still  the tension applied via an app.
       and lowering the development project break-  cheating petroleum consumers,” he said.  BW Energy bought the Hibiscus Alpha rig
       even while in full cost recovery mode.    bna/IntelliNews, November 10 2021  from Borr Drilling in November 2020, follow-
       bna/IntelliNews, November 7 2021                                         ing up on its plans to convert a jack-up rig for
                                                                                its Dussafu project in Gabon to reduce invest-
                                           EQUATORIAL GUINEA                    ments and time to first oil, according to Offshore
       SIERRA LEONE                                                             Energy.
                                                                                  In October 2021, BW Energy picked the
       Sierra Leone oil tanker             Equatorial Guinea’s mining           UAE-based Lamprell to convert the Hibiscus
                                           and hydrocarbon ministry
                                                                                Alpha rig into an offshore production facility.
       explosion leaves 108 dead                                                The work is scheduled to be completed in 2022.
                                                                                bna/Intellinews, November 10 2021
       At least 108 people died following a massive   biggest African Energy
       explosion in Sierra Leone’s capital on the evening   Week sponsor
       of November 5 when a fuel tanker collided with a                         NAMIBIA
       lorry. Nearly as many people were being treated  Equatorial Guinea’s Ministry of Mines and
       in hospitals and health centres around Freetown.  Hydrocarbons (MMH) has been confirmed   PVE Consultants to assist
         The majority of the victims were reportedly  as the biggest “diamond sponsor” at African
       street vendors and motorcyclists, many of whom  Energy Week (AEW) 2021, which is taking place   Global Petroleum with
       were caught in the blaze while trying to retrieve  in Cape Town from 9-12 November.
       fuel leaking from the tanker before it ignited.  As a diamond sponsor, the MMH is com-  Namibia licence farm-out
         About 30 casualties who suffered serious  mitted to helping establish AEW 2021 as the
       burns were not expected to survive.  premier event for the discussion on Africa’s gas  Global Petroleum has appointed PVE Consult-
       bna/IntelliNews, November 8 2021    future, according to the African Energy Cham-  ants to assist in the farmout of its Licence PEL
                                           ber (AEC).                           0094, offshore Namibia, the AIM-listed com-
                                              “[The] MMH represents the biggest spon-  pany announced on November 9.
       GHANA                               sor, with a strong delegation of industry leaders   The company said it would also be making a
                                           including H.E. Gabriel Obiang Lima, Minister  presentation regarding PEL 0094 at the Africa
       Ghana’s NPA reduces                 of Mines and Hydrocarbons, coming to broaden  Oil Week Conference in Dubai later this week.
                                                                                  Global Petroleum says it has become clear
                                           dialogue, facilitate discussions on natural gas,
       contaminated fuels                  and strengthen regional partnerships among  that potentially interested parties are await-
                                                                                ing the outcome of the drilling programme in
                                           key players,” the AEC announced on October 29.
       from 32% to 2.51%                   biggest hydrocarbon markets, with over 1.5 tril-  energy majors Total (Venus-1) and Shell (Graff-
                                              Equatorial Guinea represents one of Africa’s  Namibia’s Orange Basin, to be undertaken by
       The National Petroleum Authority (NPA) has  lion cubic feet of natural reserves positioning the  1), both reportedly set to spud in the fourth
       reduced contaminated fuel from 32% to 2.51%,  country as a highly competitive gas player  quarter of 2021.
       saying that this happened as a result of stringent   bna/IntelliNews, November 4 2021  bna/IntelliNews, November 10 2021

       P20                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 45   10•November•2021
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