Page 8 - AfrOil Week 02 2022
P. 8

AfrOil                                         INVESTMENT                                              AfrOil

                         The deal will also allow Eco Atlantic to acquire   2022 drilling programme, which calls for the
                         Azinam’s non-operating stakes in three petro-  Gazania-1 exploration well to be sunk at a site
                         leum exploration licences offshore Namibia   where the water is less than 200 metres deep at
                         – PEL 99, PEL 98 and PEL 97. Eco Atlantic is   Block 2B offshore South Africa. Azinam and
                         already serving as operator of the three sites and   its partners have already held a tender to find
                         will see its working interest in the licence areas   a shallow-water drilling rig and have begun
                         rise to 85% once the transaction is completed.  negotiations with possible suppliers. They are on
                           Additionally, the takeover will put Eco Atlan-  track to proceed in the second half of the year
                         tic in a position to take over the reins of Azinam’s   after the proposed acquisition is completed. ™

       Potential gasoline shortages rock Kenya

             KENYA       PETROLEUM product marketing companies   petrol stock-out given the already constrained
                         in Kenya are bracing for gasoline shortages in   petrol stock position,” said Jean Christian
                         the capital city Nairobi and the western region   Bergerone, the managing director of Rubis
                         of the country.                      Energy Group.
                           The potential stock-outs stem from high   Reports of concern over gasoline supply
                         demand during the Christmas holiday season   hitches began emerging a few days before Ken-
                         and electricity supply problems from the Mom-  ya’s Energy and Petroleum Regulatory Authority
                         basa sea port to Nairobi, Kenya Pipeline Com-  (EPRA) was due to release its next monthly pric-
                         pany (KPC) said.                     ing schedule, which will cover the period from
                           Fuel suppliers also have linked looming gas-  January 15 to February 15. ™
                         oline shortages to the unscheduled discharge
                         last week of a vessel ferrying gasoline in the
                         Mombasa port. The firms said in a letter to the
                         Ministry of Petroleum that the ship, which fer-
                         ried gasoline for one of the local companies, had
                         pushed further the discharge of vessels that had
                         been lined up at the port.
                           Kenya last month allowed importation of
                         30,000 metric tonnes of gasoline as private
                         cargo. This decision then prompted delays of
                         ships that had been scheduled to offload fuel at
                           “Discharge of this cargo has pushed forward
                         access of already firmed up petrol cargoes by
                         up to five days, which exposes the industry to a   KPC says demand for fuel was high during the recent holiday season (Photo: KPC)

       Gabon oil, water and utilities workers go

       on strike over COVID-19 measures

            GABON        GABON’S oil workers’ union (ONEP) and water   unions said.
                         and utilities workers’ union (SYNTEE+) began   ONEP first threatened strike action on Janu-
                         an indefinite general strike on Tuesday, January   ary 8 over an increase in the cost of PCR tests as
                         11, in protest against coronavirus (COVID-19)   well as measures that establish the health pass as
                         restrictions and the cost of PCR tests.  a condition for access to work or to spaces.
                           The general strike will cover all companies   Sylvain Mayabith, ONEP’s deputy secre-
                         in oil and related activities, water and electricity   tary-general, mentioned these points to Gabon
                         sectors throughout Gabon, the striking trade   Actu earlier this week.

       P8                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 02   12•January•2022
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