Page 17 - AfrOil Week 38
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AfrOil                                     NEWS IN BRIEF                                               AfrOil

       UPSTREAM                            commercial and technical decisions regarding  and security standards in force in the national
                                           the next steps associated with our licence.  oil sector.
       PetroNor reaches                    enhances the value of our business by some   NOC, September 22 2020
                                              “The re-award of this licence instantly
       agreement for the                   margin and provides PetroNor with optionality   SERVICES
                                           with regards to value realisation. We thank the
       reinstatement of the A4             Government of The Gambia for their pragmatic   PGS announces availability
                                           engagement in reaching this agreement and look
       licence offshore Gambia             forward to working closely with them as we seek
                                           to progress this licence for the benefit of The
       PetroNor has reached a mutual agreement with  Gambia, its people and of course PetroNor and   of reprocessed 3D data for
       the Government of The Gambia to settle its Arbi-  its shareholders.”     West Niger Delta
       tration related to the A1 and A4 licences.  PetroNor, September 21 2020
         Under the terms of the settlement agree-                               More than 3,500 sq km of new PGS broadband
       ment, PetroNor will regain the A4 licence and                            reprocessed MultiClient data is now availa-
       sign a 30-year lease under new terms. Further,   MIDSTREAM               ble in the West Niger Delta Basin, providing a
       PetroNor will relinquish any claims related to A1                        clearer image of potential targets in blocks OPL
       licence that has subsequently been awarded to a   Libya’s NOC reports on   248, 249, 250, 2011, and OML 140. This newly
       major oil company.                                                       reprocessed dataset targets the West Niger Delta
         The terms of the new licence are based on the   lifting of force majeure    Basin and covers two main structural provinces
       newly developed Petroleum, Exploration and                               directly linked to the gravity-driven movement
       Production Licence Agreement (PEPLA) model.   on Zueitina port           of the Akata Shale Formation.
       PetroNor will be able to carry the Prior Sunk cost                         The east of the survey, situated in the inner
       associated with A4 into the new agreement for  During the past two days, we conducted a secu-  fold and thrust belt, is dominated by shale dia-
       tax breaks and enhanced commercial model.  rity assessment of Zueitina port and Zueitina  pirism, rollover anticlines and closely spaced
         Commenting on the update, Eyas Alho-  Oil Co. fields. The assessment was positive and  thrust faults. The west of the survey is located in
       mouz, Chairman of PetroNor E&P, said: “This  it concluded that there is a significant improve-  the transitional detachment fold zone and con-
       is undoubtedly a good outcome for all parties,  ment in the security situation that allows  tains subtle faulting along with low wavelength
       as it removes a lot of uncertainty and potential  National Oil Corp. (NOC) to resume production  folding of Eocene to Quaternary stratigraphy.
       further cost exposure to what was a highly com-  and exports to global markets.  The Niger Delta Basin formed during the
       plex situation. The outcome is certainly one that   Accordingly, NOC announces the lifting  Late Cretaceous and is dominated by up to 12
       we believe is in the best interest of the Company  of force majeure as of today, Tuesday, Septem-  km of Late Cretaceous to Quaternary aged clas-
       and its shareholders, and one that we have been  ber 22, 2020, and the operator of Zueitina Oil  tics deposited in an upward-coarsening regres-
       driving hard to achieve for over a year.  Co. has been instructed to initiate production  sive deltaic sequence. The main source rocks
         “This settlement results in PetroNor regain-  arrangements.            are Akata Formation marine shales and Lower
       ing 100% interest in a highly prospective Block   It is worth noting that Zueitina Oil Co. is the  Agbada Formation paralic shales.
       in one of the most exciting hydrocarbon basins  main supplier of LPG and also an important   Proven reservoirs in the basin are dominated
       in the world. The terms of the new licence are  source for the coastline system, which enables  by unconsolidated sandstones of the Agbada
       significantly more attractive and will enhance  the rest of the operators to supply the North  Formation deposited as stacked turbidite chan-
       not only the value of the licence but also its  Benghazi and Zueitina power plants with gas,  nel and fan complexes (Tuttle et al., 1999). The
       attractiveness to potential partners.  which alleviates the suffering of the people in  largest accumulations are trapped in roll-over
         “Importantly, we have a year to decide if  the greater city of Benghazi and its suburbs and  anticlines in the hanging-walls of growth faults
       we wish to proceed with the lease agreement,  provides clean and regular natural gas. The ports  but hydrocarbons may also be found in fault clo-
       and we would expect to have seen drilling on  of Hariga, Brega and Zueitina are therefore clas-  sures and subtle stratigraphic traps.
       the adjacent A1 licence during this timeframe  sified as safe ports. The remaining oil fields and   Enhanced imaging of targets is achieved
       which will mean we are far better placed to make  ports are being evaluated according to the safety  with clearer illumination of complex structures
                                                                                associated with the diapiric movement of the
                                                                                Akata Shale Formation. Optimised denoising
                                                                                algorithms and a full deghosting sequence have
                                                                                improved data bandwidth and the signal-to-
                                                                                noise ratio. A multiple attenuation sequence
                                                                                eliminated complex multiples leading to an over-
                                                                                all improvement in image integrity.
                                                                                  Imaging of potential reservoir targets in Mio-
                                                                                cene stacked-turbidite channel complexes is sig-
                                                                                nificantly improved by broadband reprocessing.
                                                                                Compare vintage data from 1999 (before) with
                                                                                broadband reprocessed data from 2020 (after).
                                                                                New data also offers clearer imaging of faulting
                                                                                related to the diapiric movement of the Akata
                                                                                Shale Formation.
                                                                                PGS, September 18 2020

       Week 38   23•September•2020              www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P17
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