Page 19 - AfrOil Week 38
P. 19

AfrOil                                      NEWS IN BRIEF                                              AfrOil

       ADM Energy submits bid

       in Nigeria’s 2020 marginal

       field round

       Further to the announcement of August 3, 2020,
       ADM Energy, a natural resources investing com-
       pany, is pleased to announce that it has formally
       submitted a bid with the Nigerian Department of
       Petroleum Resources (DPR) for a marginal field
       in the 2020 Marginal Field Bid Round.
         A total of 57 marginal fields are available
       to participating companies covering onshore,
       swamp and shallow offshore fields. ADM is par-
       ticipating in the Bid Round as a strategic partner
       of OilBank International, a Nigerian integrated
       oil and gas service management company.
       The submission follows ADM and OilBank
       pre-qualifying for the Bid Round and concludes
       the second stage of the process. The Company
       expects the Bid Round to be concluded by the
       end of Q4-2020 and will update the market in
       due course.
         Osamede Okhomina, CEO of ADM Energy,
       said: “Following a rigorous appraisal process, we
       are pleased to have officially submitted our bid
       alongside OilBank for a marginal field in Nige-
       ria. This bid round, the first since 2003, is sig-
       nificant as the fields now available will shape the
       future of oil production in the country for many  at a weighted average price of GBP0.01125 per  Subscription Shares: Application has been made
       years to come. We believe ADM is uniquely posi-  share.Panmure Gordon UK acted as the Compa-  to AIM for the Placing and Subscription Shares,
       tioned to drive this growth, owing to our inti-  ny’s sole broker in respect of the Placing.  which will rank pari passu with existing Ordi-
       mate knowledge of the region, local contacts and   Rationale for the Placing: On July 20, 2020,  nary Shares, to be admitted to trading on AIM.
       access to development capital. I look forward to  Global announced an updated estimate of  Dealings are expected to commence at 8.00 a.m.
       updating shareholders as soon as practicable.”  prospective resources for its licence PEL0094,  on September 30, 2020. Following Admission,
       ADM Energy, September 17 2020       following its interpretation of the historic 3D  the total issued share capital of the Company
                                           seismic data over Block 2011A, which amounted  will be 389,319,594 ordinary shares.  Accord-
       Global Petroleum to raise           to 687mn barrels unrisked best estimate net pro-  ingly, the figure of 389,319,594 may be used by
                                           spective resources. It is the Company’s intention  shareholders as the denominator for the calcu-
       GBP1.40mn via placing and           to seek a farm-in partner for exploration drilling  lations by which they will determine if they are
                                           on PEL 0094, and potentially also to progress the  required to notify their interest in, or a change to
       subscription                        work programme over the PEL 0029 area. From  their interest in the Company under the FCA’s
                                           a wider perspective, Namibia has seen multiple  Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rules.
       Global Petroleum is pleased to announce that it  farm-outs or acquisitions completed since 2017   Peter Hill, Global Petroleum’s CEO, com-
       has successfully raised GBP1.3275mn in aggre-  by companies such as Qatar Petroleum, Total,  mented: “We are delighted with the investor
       gate before costs, through the Placing of 177mn  ONGC, Kosmos and most notably ExxonMo-  response to this Placing, particularly given the
       Ordinary Shares at a Placing Price of GBP0.0075  bil. Moreover, there are reported to be several  uncertain economic climate, and would like to
       per share. In addition, certain Directors of the  highly prospective exploration wells planned for  welcome new shareholders to the Company.
       Company intend to subscribe for, in aggregate,  the next 18 months, starting with Total’s Venus-1   “The funds raised will enable us to under-
       9,666,667 Ordinary Shares, raising GBP72,500.  well, which is reportedly scheduled for Q4-2020.  take our planned work on our Namibian acre-
         In aggregate, the gross quantum of funds  Proceeds from the Placing and Subscription will  age, which was further de-risked following our
       raised by the Placing and the Subscription will  provide in full the funds needed for the work  recent re-interpretation of the historic 3D seis-
       be GBP1.40mn. As a further component of  commitments (firm and contingent) in PEL  mic on PEL 0094. We shall also renew our farm-
       the Placing and the Subscription, 186,666,667  0029 during the remaining period of the Licence,  out campaign at a time when we believe there
       Warrants are also being issued at an exercise  and in PEL 0094 for the forthcoming explora-  is substantial interest in Namibia following the
       price of GBP0.015 per share for a period of two  tion period to September 2021. The Company  recent acreage acquisitions by majors and NOCs,
       years (one Warrant for every one new Ordinary  announced in April 2020 that it had made cuts  as well as the upcoming wells.
       Share). In the event the Warrants are exercised  in various categories of its G&A, notably the UK   “This is an exciting period for both Global
       in due course in full, associated proceeds will be  Directors agreed to reduce their annual remu-  and Namibia, and we look forward to providing
       GBP2.80mn, with the result that the Company  neration by 25%, effective April 1, 2020.  further updates as we progress our work.”
       will have raised gross proceeds of GBP4.20mn   Admission of and Dealings in the Placing and   Global Petroleum, September 16 2020

       Week 38   23•September•2020              www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P19
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