Page 6 - AfrOil Week 38
P. 6

AfrOil                        NEWSBASE’S ROUNDUP GLOBAL (NRG)                                          AfrOil

       NRG: Steps being taken

       in several directions

       Prices and environmental pressures are driving some of the activity

       in the industry, but exploration work continues in multiple regions

        COMMENTARY       WELCOME to the latest edition of NewsBase’s  to 5.84mn tonnes, cheaper supplies of the fuel
                         Roundup Global (NRG), in which our team of  prevented a steeper decline. The country paid
                         international editors provide you with a snap-  JPY190.9bn ($1.83bn) for its LNG deliveries last
                         shot of some of the key issues affecting their  month, which was 44% less than in August 2019.
                         regional beats. Get the NRG Oil & Gas Editor’s   August volumes were also down 3.3% from
                         Picks to your inbox every week for free. Just sign  the 6.04mn tonnes imported in July. Deliveries
                         up here.                             in the first eight months of the year amounted to
                            In this week’s NRG our editors highlight vari-  48.2mn tonnes, around JPY2.3 trillion ($22.01bn).
                         ous steps which are being considered or taken in  While industrial gas demand remains subdued
                         response to price or environmental pressures. Car-  in the wake of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pan-
                         bon-neutral LNG and CNG (compressed natural  demic, demand from the power sector picked up
                         gas) may well be a sign of the future, although in  as the economics of LNG over coal-fired genera-
                         Japan’s case they compete with the restart of nuclear  tion improved. Japanese thermal coal shipments
                         production. An overhaul to Russia’s oil tax regime  contracted by 12% y/y in August to 7.9mn tonnes,
                         will also be one to watch. Meanwhile, exploration  according to provisional Finance Ministry data.
                         moves in Alaska and the Middle East feature, as  The uptick in last month’s power demand, owing
                         does deal-making in the North Sea, the potential  to a summer heat wave, is not expected to translate
                         of modular refineries in Nigeria and a twist in the  into lasting support for LNG purchases, however.
                         situation in Venezuela..               Japanese power and gas utilities’ high commit-
                                                              ment to long-term volumes is likely to stifle buyer
                         Asia: Japan’s LNG imports shrink     interest for additional volumes even if winter tem-
                         While Japan’s liquefied natural gas (LNG)  peratures are colder than expected, Platts quoted
                         imports shrank by 4.1% year on year in August  unnamed market sources as saying in late August.

       P6                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 38   23•September•2020
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