Page 9 - AfrOil Week 38
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AfrOil                                             NRG                                                 AfrOil

                         There has also been a tender by Pavilion Energy  Elliott Abrams pointed out last week. Abrams
                         for offsets up to the point of delivery.  also indicated that Washington did not intend to
                           Earlier this month, carbon-neutral LNG  seize these cargoes, as it did in August.
                         was discussed at the Gastech Virtual Summit,   In the meantime, the national oil company
                         where speakers noted that the growing appe-  (NOC) PdVSA is reportedly scrapping some of
                         tite for offsetting emissions from the fuel would  its own infrastructure in order to secure metal
                         raise its costs. However, such an increase in the  and parts. According to Bloomberg, it hopes to
                         price of LNG would come at a time when low  use these materials as payment in kind for repair
                         natural gas prices are key to displacing com-  work on pumping stations and compression
                         peting fuels, including coal, and to penetrating  facilities that serve oil production facilities in
                         emerging, price-sensitive markets in Asia. As  Monagas State. The NOC is eager to bring these
                         a result, the industry would need to be careful  fields back on stream, as they contain light crude
                         to balance decarbonisation with remaining  that can be made into gasoline more easily than
                         cost-competitive.                    the heavy crude contained in the Orinoco belt.
                           Wood Mackenzie’s principal analyst for  Further north, Canada’s Crystallex has asked
                         Asia-Pacific gas and LNG, Lucy Cullen, told  a judge in the US federal court system to set a
                         Gastech that two sets of buyers could emerge on  date for the sale of shares in PdV Holding, the
                         the LNG market if carbon-neutral LNG becomes  PdVSA subsidiary that is the parent company   Two sets of
                         more commonplace. The first set would be those  of US-based downstream operator Citgo Petro-  buyers could
                         that are more carbon-conscious and the second  leum. Crystallex, which is trying to enforce a
                         would be those that are more sensitive to price.  $1.4bn arbitration decision that went against   emerge on
                           The discussion about carbon-neutral LNG  Venezuela, has proposed that the sales begin on
                         comes as Qatar – one of the leading producers  January 11, 2021.            LNG markets
                         of the super-chilled fuel – is seeking to undercut
                         competitors by developing significant new low-  If you’d like to read more about the key events shaping   if carbon-
                         cost LNG capacity. This week, a warning came   the Latin American oil and gas sector then please click   neutral LNG
                         that this push to bring down the cost of LNG   here for NewsBase’s LatAmOil Monitor.
                         could make it more difficult for producers in                              becomes more
                         Australia and elsewhere to sanction new lique-  Mideast: Focus returns to exploration
                         faction projects.                    Middle Eastern countries are showing an appe-  commonplace
                                                              tite for resuming exploration efforts as confi-
                         If you’d like to read more about the key events shaping   dence about demand recovery emerges. Despite
                         the global LNG sector then please click here for   recently cancelling a contract to drill 11 wells to
                         NewsBase’s GLNG Monitor.             raise heavy oil production, state-owned Kuwait
                                                              Oil Co. (KOC) is preparing to launch a tender for
                         Latin America: Pressure on Venezuela   an offshore seismic survey as the emirate seeks to
                         This week’s LatAmOil  takes a close look at devel-  identify between six and 20 drill sites as part of its
                         opments involving Venezuela.         inaugural maritime exploration effort.
                           The South American state continues to suf-  In Oman, while recent licensing efforts have
                         fer widespread fuel shortages but is awaiting the  failed, US horizontal drilling specialist EOG
                         arrival of two tankers filled with Iranian gasoline.  Resources has become the latest firm to commit
                         The shipments are not likely to provide relief for  to brownfield development, signing an explora-
                         long, as the vessels only hold enough to cover  tion and production-sharing agreement (EPSA)
                         consumption for a few weeks, US special envoy  for Block 36 in the south-west of the Sultanate.

       Week 38   23•September•2020              www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P9
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