Page 10 - EurOil Week 02 2022
P. 10

EurOil                                            POLICY                                               EurOil

       Rising gas prices put Moldovan

       authorities under pressure again

        MOLDOVA          THE natural gas import price paid by Moldo-  opposed to expectations for lower prices — will
                         vagaz to Gazprom as of January, reportedly $647  put more pressure on Moldovagaz starting from
       Moldova is paying   per 1,000 cubic metres, will be revealed by the  January, when half of the gas bill for the first
       $647 per 1,000 cubic   government of Moldova on January 10, after the  month of the year should be paid by January 20,
       metres for gas this   Security Council already discussed the situation  and particularly in February.
       month.            on the first day of the year.          Gazprom is expected to issue warnings in the
                           The price is calculated based on a formula  coming days, ahead of the January 20 deadline
                         agreed by the parties in November, under the  for the December gas bill.
                         five-year contract signed between Moldovagaz   The government says that it “is analysing the
                         and Gazprom.                        situation regarding the gas crisis at European
                           At that time, the government of Moldova  level and its effects on the Republic of Moldova,
                         disbursed $70mn from the state budget indi-  and more details will be provided next [this]
                         rectly to help Moldovagaz pay the bill quickly.  week at a press conference. An announcement in
                         The money was disbursed in the form of pay-  this regard was made by the Deputy Prime Min-
                         ing arrears owed by state-owned Termoelec-  ister, Minister of Infrastructure and Regional
                         trica to Moldovagaz — which is not likely to  Development, Andrei Spinu.”
                         be repeated in January. This provided some   “Yesterday [January 5] he had a meeting of
                         time to the authorities, which in principle  the working group on energy. We analyse the sit-
                         should adjust the consumer prices in line  uation and this price increase on European mar-
                         with the import price, or cover the difference  kets. Already, at the latest on Tuesday [January
                         from their own resources as subsidies under a  11] we will come up with a statement or a press
                         transparent mechanism.              conference to answer all the questions,” Spinu
                           But the rising gas prices in January — as  told Radio Moldova. ™

                                             PROJECTS & COMPANIES

       Equinor books $1.8bn impairment

       charge at Mariner

        UK               NORWAY’S  Equinor has downgraded  its   “We are committed to working with our
                         reserves estimate for the Mariner oilfield off  Mariner joint venture partners to iden-
       The company has   the shore of the UK, resulting in a $1.8bn  tify opportunities to improve recovery and
       downgraded the field’s   impairment.                   production,” Equinor’s vice president for
       reserves.            The field, commissioned in 2019, was previ-  exploration and production international,
                         ously thought to hold 275mn barrels of oil but  Al Cook, commented. “We plan to continue
                         Equinor has now revised this to 180mn. The  drilling on the field to prolong cash flow into
                         resulting impairment charge will be reflected in  the future.”
                         the company’s results for the fourth quarter of   Mariner lies in the north North Sea some
                         2021, it said.                       150 km east of the Shetland Islands and was first
                            Equinor explained that there was a lot of  discovered in 1981, but was left untouched for
                         uncertainty about Mariner’s reserves because  decades because of its geological complexity.
                         of the field’s subsurface complexity, and the fact  Equinor acquired the field from US major Chev-
                         that it is still only at its early production phase.  ron in 2007 and took a final investment decision
                         The downgrade is based on updated seismic  in 2013.
                         interpretation and production performance,   The field was initially due to start up in 2017,
                         supported by results from a well that targeted the  but its launch was delayed by two years in part
                         field’s Heimdal reservoir late last year.  because of the 2014 oil price slump. At the time
                            Equinor operates Mariner with a 65.1% inter-  of its start-up, its capital cost was estimated by
                         est, while partners JX Nippon, Siccar Point and  Equinor at $7.7bn. The company said it was tar-
                         ONE-Dyas have shares of 20%, 8.9%  and 6%  geting a production plateau of 55,000-70,000
                         respectively.                        barrels per day. ™

       P10                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 02   13•January•2022
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