Page 12 - EurOil Week 02 2022
P. 12

EurOil                                       NEWS IN BRIEF                                             EurOil

       Poland’s PKN Orlen denies  Siemens signs 5-year                          pilot well 25/10-U-8, located in the North Sea
                                                                                production license 028B.
       rumours of MOL deal                 contract with Socar Turkey           meters, will take three days to drill.
                                                                                  The well, located in a water depth of 116
       Poland’s state-controlled oil refiner PKN   for energy distribution        The primary objective of the operation is to
       Orlen denied on January 10 rumours in the                                verify that the planned drill sites for the Hanz
       Polish media of an upcoming sale of petrol   infrastructure              development wells 25/10-A-1 AH and 25/10-
       stations belonging to peer Lotos to the                                  B-1 H are free of shallow gas/water hazards.
       Hungarian oil and gas giant MOL.    Siemens Turkey, a unit of Siemens (Frankfurt/  Aker BP sanctioned the development of
         The transaction, reported by private Radio   SIE), has signed a 5-year contract with Socar   the Hanz oil and gas discovery in December.
       Zet, would be a condition for a merger of   Turkey to develop and renovate energy   Discovered in 1997, Hanz will be tied
       PKN Orlen with Lotos, which is expected   distribution infrastructure and SCADA   into the Ivar Aasen platform about twelve
       to go through by the middle of the year. The   (Supervisory control and data acquisition)   kilometers to the south.  Total reserves are
       European Commission cleared the takeover   systems of Star Refinery, Socar Depolama   around 20 million barrels of oil equivalent
       last year pending PKN Orlen’s meeting a list of  (Socar Storage) and Petkim (PETKM), the   (mmboe).
       conditions, such as divesting a 30% stake in a   parties said on January 6.  Total investments are estimated at
       Lotos refinery in Gdansk and the sale of 80%   Socar Turkey was launched in 2006 by the   NOK3.3bn  ($363mn). The expected start-up
       of its fuel stations.               State Oil Company of the Azerbaijan Republic   is in the first half of 2024.
         “We would like to inform that negotiations   (Socar). It has a 51% stake in Petkim.  Aker BP is the operator with a 35% stake,
       with partners for remedial measures in   Siemens has been active in Turkey since   with partners being Equinor (50%), Spirit
       connection with the takeover of Grupa Lotos   1856.                      Energy (15%).
       by PKN Orlen have not been finalised,”
       PKN Orlen said in a statement published on
       Twitter.                            Turkey’s Botas ‘seeking              Norwegian oil and gas
         “Media reports on the selection of potential
       partners are only speculation,” the statement   $2bn loan’               output to rise 9% by 2024
       also read.
         The Lotos network comprises around 700-  Turkey’s government-run natural gas   Norway’s total petroleum output is expected
       800 petrol stations, with an average price of   importer Botas has been seeking a $2bn   to grow over the next three years as oil and
       the units ranging between $1.5-2mn per unit.   loan to pay upcoming debts to suppliers,   gas output expand, the Norwegian Petroleum
       MOL last confirmed its interest in the Polish   including Russia’s Gazprom (Moscow/GAZP),   Directorate said on January 13.
       retail market in August last year.  anonymous sources told Bloomberg on    The combined volume is expected to rise
         PKN Orlen, the CEE’s largest oil and gas   January 6.                  to 4.33 million barrels of oil equivalent in
       company, has nearly 2,000 service stations in   Botas was said to have so far only managed   2024, a rise of 9.1% from the preliminary 2021
       eight other countries in Central and Eastern   to obtain Turkish lira (TRY) 5bn ($365mn)   reading of 3.97 million barrels, NPD forecasts
       Europe, including Croatia, Slovakia, Bosnia,   from local banks.         showed.
       the Czech Republic, Romania, Slovenia, Serbia   Amid booming gas prices and the   Norway expects oil companies to submit
       and Montenegro.                     collapsing lira, Botas’ subsidies on the local   “dozens” of new investment plans this year, up
         Saudi Aramco, the world’s largest company   market have soared although gas prices in   from eight in 2021, in order to take advantage
       in terms of daily oil production, is slated to   Turkey have also been booming in lira terms.  of tax incentives introduced by parliament,
       take over the minority stake in Lotos refinery   In November, the central bank sold   leading to a jump in investment in the coming
       in Gdansk.                          $2.23bn to Botas, a record figure.   years.
         The merger of Lotos, oil and gas     On January 7, the central bank is to release   “The investments contribute to continued
       exploration and production company PGNiG   the December figure.          high and profitable production towards 2030,
       and PKN Orlen will create a state-controlled   Meanwhile, the central bank has a very   at which point the current plans show that
       energy giant, the Polish government hopes.  limited amount of usable reserves and is again   production will decline,” the NPD said.
         The PiS-led government plans for Orlen to   burning through its reserves to support the   “The extent and speed of this decline will
       be able to move closer to giants like BP, Total,   lira.                 depend, among other things, on how much
       Shell, or Repsol, which are investing in their                           additional oil and gas the companies will
       value chains and in prospective branches such                            discover in the years to come,” it added.
       as renewables or hydrogen.          Aker BP drills well at Hanz
         The rumours of the MOL deal attracted
       criticism from Poland’s opposition, which   field                        US senate to vote on Cruz
       said that the next step would be MOL selling
       the petrol stations to Russia’s Lukoil or   Norwegian oil company Aker BP has received   Nord Stream 2 sanctions
       Rosneft. MOL and Lukoil have a history of   consent from the Petroleum Safety Authority
       cooperation, the Polish opposition points out.  Norway to drill a pilot well in the North Sea,   The US Senate will vote on January 13 on a bill
                                           off Norway.                          being pushed by Republican Ted Cruz to slap
                                              Using Odfjell Drilling’s Deepsea Nordkapp   sanctions on the Nord Stream 2 natural gas
                                           semi-submersible drilling rig, Aker BP will the  pipeline in Europe, although it is not expected

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