Page 13 - EurOil Week 02 2022
P. 13
to garner enough support to pass. harder for Cruz’s bill to pass. bunkering vessel of the Italian shipping group
The bill is scheduled for a vote at around Fratelli Cosulich.
2:45 p.m. ET (1945 GMT), according to Under the contract, Schottel will deliver
Democratic Senator Jon Ossoff. Norway nets record-breaking the main propulsion of the LNG bunkering
Cruz struck a deal with Democrats last vessels consisting of two diesel-driven Schottel
month to get a vote before Jan. 14 on the revenues from oil & gas EcoPellers type SRE 360, with a propeller
Russia-to-Germany natural gas pipeline in diameter of 2.3 m.
exchange for lifting his hold on dozens of The combination of high production of oil As described, the EcoPeller fulfils all the
Democratic President Joe Biden’s ambassador and gas from a total of 94 fields, significant requirements of a modern high-performance
nominations. demand, and high commodity prices led to propulsion unit with the hydrodynamically
Under the deal, Cruz’s bill would need a historically high level in Norway’s revenues optimised design that allows the EcoPeller
60 votes to pass, a high hurdle in the evenly from petroleum with much of this being due to produce maximum steering forces
divided chamber where bipartisanship is to record-high gas prices. and enables top values in terms of overall
scarce. The Norwegian Petroleum Directorate efficiency and course stability. This reduces
Cruz’s bill would slap sanctions on the (NPD) expects stable, high production to fuel consumption and ensures both lower
pipeline within 15 days of passage, regardless continue over the next few years. Many operating costs and emissions.
of whether Russia reinvades Ukraine, and new discoveries, as well as several new field Schottel EcoPeller; Image by Schottel
would allow the U.S. Congress to vote to developments in upcoming years, mean that In addition, two Schottel
reinstate sanctions should the president waive production is expected to increase somewhat TransverseThrusters type STT 1 CP will
them. Cruz has said sanctions are needed leading up to 2024, says Director general be installed in order to ensure maximum
immediately to stop the project. Ingrid Sølvberg. manoeuvrability also in port areas. With this
The $11 billion pipeline, led by Russia’s According to the NPD, Norway’s thruster configuration, the 113-metre long
state gas company Gazprom, could be production in 2021 came to 102 million and 20-metre wide vessel will achieve a free
approved by German regulators in the middle standard cubic metres of oil (642 million sailing speed of 13 knots.
of the year, the chief executive of Uniper barrels) and 113 billion standard cubic metres The cargo handling system for this new
SE, one of five European energy companies of gas. This corresponds to about four million LNG bunkering vessel will be supplied by the
helping to finance the pipeline, said last week. barrels of oil equivalent per day, a minor Finnish technology group Wärtsilä.
The United States, as well as some increase from the previous year. The 8,000 cbm LNG bunkering vessel
European countries including Ukraine and Five fields started production last year: is currently under construction at Chinese
Poland, are against the pipeline, which would Duva, Yme (an older field which was Nantong CIMC Sinopacific Offshore and
deprive Kyiv of transit fees as well as increase restarted), Solveig, Martin Linge in the North Engineering shipyard.
Moscow’s leverage over Europe, where gas Sea, and Ærfugl in the northern Norwegian To remind, Fratelli Cosulich ordered the
prices have been skyrocketing. Sea. vessel in May 2021 making its official entrance
On Wednesday, Democratic Senator into the LNG bunkering market.
Robert Menendez unveiled a bill to Once delivered in summer 2023, the
impose sweeping sanctions on top Russian Schottel to supply LNG 5,300-dwt-vessel is intended to serve
government and military officials and key customers in the Mediterranean region..
banking institutions if Moscow engages in bunkering systems
hostilities against Ukraine.
The Menendez-backed bill provides an German propulsion manufacturer Schottel
alternative for Democrats who support has won a contract to supply main and
sanctions on Nord Stream 2 and makes it auxiliary propulsion systems for the first LNG
Week 02 13•January•2022 www. NEWSBASE .com P13