Page 17 - GLNG Week 47 2020
P. 17

GLNG                                             AFRICA                                               GLNG

       EAIF lends $31mn to Tema

       regasification scheme

        INVESTMENT       THE Emerging Africa Infrastructure Fund   “The new terminal at Tema is an innovative
                         (EAIF) has backed a regasification project in  approach to securing reliable and cost-efficient
                         Ghana’s port of Tema with a $31mn loan.  gas supply,” Martijn Proos, a director at Ninety
                           The loan, with a duration of 10 years, will go  One, which manages EAIF, said in a statement.
                         to the project’s developer Access LNG, a joint  “The investment by EAIF will contribute to   The project’s
                         venture between Helios Investment Partners and  reducing carbon emissions, contributing to
                         Gasfin Development. The pair reached financial  Ghana’s long-term energy needs and strength-  developers
                         close on the scheme on November 16.  ening its economic stability and economic devel-
                           The EAIF loan will help cover the cost of a  opment efforts.”           originally aimed
                         floating regasification unit (FRU), due to be   The Tema facility, he continued, “answers
                         integrated with an LNG carrier that will be used  Ghana’s need for greater fuel security and opti-  to launch
                         for storage. Both vessels will be permanently  mal supply. The project will reduce the cost of   operations in
                         moored.                              power generation for Ghana’s power sector,
                           Work on the project’s fixed infrastructure,  provide an adequate margin of fuel reserves and   mid-2020, but
                         including a breakwater, mooring facilities, a  benefit the ongoing expansion of the country’s
                         subsea pipeline and an 8-km onshore pipeline,  electricity and gas grids.”  the new schedule
                         was financed separately. This infrastructure will   Helios partner Ogbemi Ofuya suggested
                         link the terminal to industrial areas in Tema.  Access LNG could provide additional LNG   is unclear.
                         The gas will be used as fuel at thermal power  projects in sub-Saharan Africa. The current
                         plants (TPPs), providing a cleaner and less costly  low price of gas, he said, means “there is a great
                         option to light crude oil and heavy fuel oil, as well  opportunity for Access to support markets
                         as at other industrial facilities.   switching to natural gas as a clean, cheap transi-
                           The project’s developers originally aimed  tion fuel as we push developments to support a
                         to launch operations in mid-2020, but the new  greener, more efficient energy economy.”
                         schedule is unclear. According to Gasfin, the   EAIF represents part of the Private Infra-
                         terminal will deliver 250mn cubic feet per day  structure Development Group (PIDG), backed
                         (2.58bn cubic metres per year) of gas.  by seven donor countries and the World Bank.™

       Week 47   27•November•2020               www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P17
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