Page 20 - GLNG Week 47 2020
P. 20

GLNG                                               ASIA                                                GLNG

       MoUs signed for separate LNG-

       to-power projects in Vietnam

        PROJECTS &       TWO separate projects that will have an LNG  according to US government officials on a visit
        COMPANIES        import component were reported over the past  to Hanoi.
                         week to be advancing in Vietnam. On November   “GE will look to supply gas turbines and asso-
                         19, Nikkei Asian Review reported that PetroVi-  ciated equipment and services for the project
                         etnam Power and a Vietnamese construction  estimated at more than $1bn over the lifetime
                         firm had signed a memorandum of understand-  of the project,” a company spokesperson was
                         ing (MoU) with Japan’s Tokyo Gas and Marubeni  quoted by Bloomberg as saying.
                         to build an LNG-to-power project. The facility   That project is being planned to start up by
                         would be built in Vietnam’s Quang Ninh Prov-  2025. It will also involve Pacific Corp., Vietnam’s
                         ince at an estimated cost of JPY200bn ($1.9bn).  Power Engineering Consulting Joint Stock Com-
                         The power plant would have a capacity of 1,500  pany 2 (PECC2) and Mitsubishi.
                         MW.                                    The MoUs come as various similar projects
                           The partners in the project will now begin a  are also advancing in Vietnam, where power
                         feasibility study and commence negotiations on  demand is rising by roughly 10% per year and
                         power pricing. Start-up of the planned facility is  new capacity is urgently needed. It is also hoped
                         targeted for 2026.                   that a shift towards LNG will help wean the
                           Separately, on November 21, General Elec-  country off coal as the energy transition gathers
                         tric (GE) signed an MoU with Vietnam’s EVN  pace.
                         Genco3 to develop the Long Son LNG-to-  Indeed, last month, NewsBase reported that
                         power project in Ba Ria-Vung Tau Province.  Japan’s JERA, ExxonMobil and the city of Hai
                         GE will be contracted to install the gas tur-  Phong had signed an MoU to collaborate on
                         bine technology and certain other equipment,  another potential LNG-to-power project.™

                                                    AUSTRAL ASIA

       Chevron restarts production

       at Gorgon Train 2

        PROJECTS &       CHEVRON has restarted production from  Train 1 has been returned to service. The length
        COMPANIES        Train 2 at its Gorgon LNG terminal in Western  of the shutdowns depends on what is discovered
                         Australia after some delays during the process of  during the inspections and whether any repairs
                         making repairs to propane heat exchangers – or  are necessary.
                         kettles – at the facility.             “Insights gained from Train 2 repairs will
                           Media reported this week that the train had  contribute to more efficient inspections and
                         resumed production. This marks the end of an  potential repairs on Trains 1 and 3, with prepa-
                         outage that started in May when Chevron shut  rations underway for shutting down Train 1 for
                         Train 2 down for scheduled maintenance, sub-  inspections,” Chevron was reported as saying on
                         sequently saying in July it had discovered weld  November 24.
                         quality issues affecting the kettles. The Austral-  The AMWU is reported to have remained
                         ian Manufacturing Workers Union (AMWU)  concerned over safety at Gorgon, calling for
                         said this had resulted in cracks of up to 1 metre  an immediate shutdown of the remaining two
                         long and 30 mm deep, which were found on 8-11  trains for inspections, as well as an independ-
                         kettles on Train 2.                  ent investigation into the repairs carried out on
                           Initially there were concerns that it would be  Train 2. However, Chevron has insisted that the
                         impossible to make repairs to the kettles, and  train is now operating safely.
                         that they would need to be replaced. Chevron   Gorgon has a total capacity of 15.6mn tonnes
                         managed to avoid this, but an initial target of  per year (tpy). The facility includes a carbon
                         restarting Train 2 in September was pushed back  capture and storage (CCS) project, but Chev-
                         to October, and then November. The super-ma-  ron has fought a separate battle to operate it. No
                         jor now has to take Trains 1 and 3 offline to  carbon dioxide (CO2) was stored until August
                         inspect their kettles for similar issues. Train 1 will  2019, more than three years after Gorgon began
                         be taken offline first, with Train 3 following once  exporting LNG.™

       P20                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 47   27•November•2020
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