Page 18 - GLNG Week 47 2020
P. 18

GLNG                                              AFRICA                                               GLNG

       Local content to account for at least

       55% of work on NLNG’s Train 7

        PROJECTS &       NIGERIA LNG (NLNG) intends to rely on local  would not be shut down. He pushed hard to the
        COMPANIES        providers for at least 55% of the work that will be  extent that [the] contract was signed against all
                         done on the Train 7 expansion project, according  odds,” he commented.
                         to Tony Attah, the managing director and CEO   Attah also pointed out that the expan-
                         of the consortium.                   sion project would be a boon to the Nige-
                           Speaking at a reception held by the Junior  rian economy. “Train 7 means 12,000 jobs
                         Chambers International (JCI) earlier this week,  directly and, based on the board’s calcula-
                         Attah said it made sense to maximise local con-  tion, 40,000 additional jobs indirectly,” he
                         tent in the scheme, which calls for the construc-  remarked.
                         tion of a seventh production train at NLNG’s   He added: “On top of that, we are talking   The new unit
                         natural gas liquefaction plant on Bonny Island.  55% of that scope will be domiciled and domes-
                         Nigerian companies and Nigerian workers have  ticated, and Nigerians will be directly involved in   will add 4.2mn
                         improved their capacity and are able to handle  more than half of the scope of this particular pro-
                         high-end technical projects such as this one, he  ject, and we are talking of over $10bn in terms of   tpy of new
                         said.                                the overall Train 7 investment.”
                           The NLNG chief also thanked the Nigeria   NLNG was formed more than 20 years ago  capacity, and the
                         Content Development and Monitoring Board  and has been producing LNG since 1999. Equity   debottlenecking
                         (NCDMB) for helping to push the Train 7 ini-  in the consortium is split between state-owned
                         tiative forward and singled out the board’s exec-  Nigerian National Petroleum Corp. (NNPC),   of existing trains
                         utive secretary, Simbi Wabote, for praise. He  with 49%; Royal Dutch Shell (UK/Netherlands),
                         said Wabote, who was the guest of honour at the  with 25.6%; Total (France), with 15%, and Eni   will contribute
                         JCI reception, had taken all the steps needed to  (Italy), with 10.4%.
                         ensure the launch of the project in May of this   The group has already built six production   another 3.4mn
                         year, at a time when the global oil and gas indus-  trains with a combined production capacity of   tpy.
                         try had scaled back its operations in response to  22.5mn tonnes per year at its gas liquefaction
                         the fall in demand that had followed the corona-  plant. Earlier this year, it took a final invest-
                         virus (COVID-19) pandemic.           ment decision (FID) on the construction of
                           “[When] the contract was signed on May  the seventh production train, which will push
                         13 this year, that was right in the middle of the  total output up to 30mn tpy. The new unit will
                         COVID-19 situation when the entire world was  add 4.2mn tpy of new capacity, and the debot-
                         at a standstill ... The world was shut down, but the  tlenecking of existing trains will contribute
                         executive secretary was determined that Train 7  another 3.4mn tpy.™

       P18                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 47   27•November•2020
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