Page 18 - EurOil Week 34
P. 18

EurOil                                       NEWS IN BRIEF                                             EurOil

       y/y, respectively, in the first half of this year,   Equinor, ConocoPhillips get   under a $235,000 per day contract with
       according to Energy Market Regulatory Board                              ConocoPhillips until November 2020.
       data compiled by state-run news service   well approvals off Norway
       Anadolu Agency.
         The key factor was growing imports of   Oil and gas firms Equinor and ConocoPhillips   Wintershall Dea spurns US
       cheaper liquefied natural gas (LNG) at the   have been given permission to drill wells by
       expense of piped gas. Turkey’s pipeline gas   Norway’s Petroleum Safety Authority (PSA) in   sanctions on Nord Stream 2
       imports fell by 22.8% while LNG imports   the North and Norwegian Sea.
       grew 44.8% in the first half of the year.  Equinor received regulatory approval on   Germany’s Wintershall Dea has rejected
         Turkey’s natural gas imports in H1 overall   Friday from the PSA to sink a sidetrack in an   sanctions the US wants to impose on the Nord
       dropped by 3.5% to 22.5bn cubic metres   exploration well 35/11-24 in the North Sea,   Stream 2 pipeline, according to Reuters.
       (bcm). Of this, the country imported 12.1   at the Swisher prospect.       According to an article by Reuters, the
       bcm via pipeline and 10.3 bcm as LNG.  The well will be drilled in a water depth   sanctions planned by the U.S. are aimed to
         Turkey purchased 2.02bcm of gas from   of 356 metres. Equinor will use Seadrill’s   discourage its completion.
       Iran with no imports between April and   2008-built West Hercules semi-submersible   Wintershall Dea CEO Mario Mehren told
       June while imports from Russia declined to   drilling rig. The drilling is expected to take   Reuters in a phone call on August 19 after
       4.7bcm.                             63 days to complete.                 presenting half-year results that Nord Stream
         The country imported its highest amount   The same rig was recently used on the   2 would be completed and loans would be
       of gas, at 5.44 bcm, in the first half of this   successful Atlantis well. At the time of the   repaid as it is a project that Europe needs.
       year from Azerbaijan. The volume marked a   discovery, Equinor said that the proven   US sanctions are aimed at discouraging
       23.4% increase compared to the same period   reserves were between 3 and 10mn cubic   competition in the European gas market, he
       of 2019.                            metres of recoverable oil equivalent, or 19-  said.
         Turkey, under its long-term LNG contract   63mn barrels of oil equivalent.  “We have seen that the project has
       with Algeria, imported its highest LNG   PSA also gave its consent to    been brought into a broader geopolitical
       volume at 2.99 bcm in the six months.  ConocoPhillips to drill an exploration well at   framework that is threatening a number of
         However, the highest spot LNG volume   the Slagugle prospect in the Norwegian Sea.  industries and parties involved. We reject
       imported by Turkey came from Qatar at   Conoco will drill the well, designated   these as does the German government and
       2.85bcm. That marked a 124% y/y increase.  6507/5-10 S, using Transocean’s Leiv   the European Commission and a number of
         Turkey’s spot LNG imports from the US   Eiriksson semi-submersible drilling rig.  European countries“, he said.
       grew by 144% y/y to reach 2.16bcm in the   The well, located in the production license
       first half..                        891, will take 47 days to complete. It is
                                           located in a water depth of 354 metres.
                                              The 2001-built Leiv Eiriksson rig is

       P18                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 34   27•August•2020
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