Page 13 - EurOil Week 34
P. 13

EurOil                                PIPELINES & TRANSPORT                                           EurOil

       Bulgaria takes 20% stake in

       Greek LNG terminal

        BULGARIA         BULGARIA’S state-owned gas network oper-  Bulgaria will have access,” Bulgartransgaz said in
                         ator Bulgartransgaz said on August 24 it has  a statement.
       The terminal is due on   completed the acquisition of a 20% interest in   The LNG terminal in Alexandroupolis
       stream in 2023.   Gastrade, the company developing a floating  should become operational at the beginning of
                         liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminal off Greece’s  2023.
                         northern coastal city of Alexandroupolis.  Bulgaria currently serves as a transit route for
                           The move is part of Bulgaria’s long-term  Russian gas, but it has the potential to become a
                         energy strategy to diversify its gas supply sources  major trading centre thanks to a raft of new gas
                         and routes and will also support the develop-  transport projects. A pipeline from Greece is due
                         ment of the Balkan gas hub project.   to start operations next year, allowing Bulgaria
                           “The participation in the project for the con-  to receive gas from Greek LNG terminals. It
                         struction of a liquefied natural gas near Alex-  will also be able to tap supplies from Azerbaijan
                         androupolis is of strategic importance for the  once the Trans-Adriatic Pipeline (TAP) running
                         diversification and security of the energy deliv-  through Greece and Albania to Italy is finished.
                         eries in Bulgaria and in the region. The terminal  Bulgaria is also helping Russia extend the Turk-
                         will be the second LNG facility in the region,  Stream pipeline through its territory and on to
                         along with the one in Revitusa, Greece, to which  Central Europe. ™


       Greenpeace boards Danish

       oil platform

        DENMARK          GREENPEACE activists boarded an unmanned  said at the time that the interest generated
                         oil platform operated by Total in the Danish  demonstrated the Danish North Sea’s status “as
       There are growing calls   North Sea last week, forcing the French major to  a stable, attractive oil and gas investment area.”
       for Denmark to end its   halt production.                However, the current government formed by
       search for oil and gas.  The activists climbed onto the Dan Bravo  the Social Democratic Party and its left-leaning
                         platform some 210 km west of Denmark to pro-  allies has put the process on hold. Amid growing
                         test against oil and gas exploration in Danish  antipathy to fossil fuels across Europe, the longer
                         waters, the environmentalist group said.  the awards are delayed, it seems the less likely
                            “We are peacefully occupying the Dan Bravo  they will take place at all.
                         oil rig today to tell leaders that unless they are   Current plans by operators do not envisage
                         brave enough to ban the search for new oil and  any oil production after 2050, when the country
                         gas in Denmark, they will never be the green  aims to become carbon neutral. But were more
                         frontrunners they claim to be,” one activist said  licences awarded and discoveries made, extrac-
                         in a statement.                      tion could continue after this point.
                            Denmark has one of the most ambitious   Denmark and other North Sea oil produc-
                         climate targets in the world, with its parlia-  ers are investing in carbon, capture and storage
                         ment having adopted a new law on December  (CCS) projects that could potentially allow oil
                         pledging to cut emissions by 70% by 2030. But  production to continue without jeopardising
                         the government is still debating whether to pro-  decarbonisation efforts.
                         ceed with a new tender for North Sea oil and gas   Around 5,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day
                         acreage.                             (boepd) of production was taken offline at Dan
                            Authorities kicked off the tender back in  Bravo as a safety precaution after Greenpeace
                         2018, attracting offers from Total as well as Swe-  boarded the installation, Total told Reuters. The
                         den’s Lundin Petroleum, Hungary’s MOL and  French major acquired the field and 14 others
                         the UK’s Ardent Oil. The Danish Energy Agency  from Denmark’s Maersk in 2018. ™

       Week 34   27•August•2020                 www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P13
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