Page 8 - EurOil Week 34
P. 8


       Looking to the future

       Although rattled by the international oil and gas price collapse, governments and

       investors continue to press forward – either through new legislation or projects

        GLOBAL           WELCOME the latest edition of NewsBase’s  High hopes in Africa
                         Roundup Global (NRG), in which our team of  This week’s AfrOil takes a closer look at Nige-
                         international editors provide you with a snap-  ria’s Petroleum Industry Bill (PIB). The govern-
                         shot of some of key issues affecting their regional  ment has finally brought the proposed law to the
                         beats. Get the NRG Oil & Gas Editor’s Picks to  National Assembly for consideration, after more
                         your inbox every week for free. Just sign up here.  than 10 years of delay, and officials in Abuja hope
                           With the wave of painful second-quarter  to secure its passage before the end of the year.
                         results largely out of the way for the oil and gas   In another positive development, the Nigeri-
                         industry, governments and investors are look-  an-Chinese joint venture AIPCC Energy is set to
                         ing to the future. This means different things  commission its 6,000 barrel per day (bpd) mod-
                         depending on where you look, however, with  ular refinery in Edo State next month. According
                         upbeat development news counterbalanced by  to Michael Osime, the chairman of the JV, the
                         funding concerns.                    partners are on track to finish the plant less than
                           There was good news out of Nigeria, not  a year after the start of construction. This will
                         only in the form of long-delayed legislative pro-  make it “the quickest modular refinery [ever]
                         gress but also the imminent commissioning of a  delivered [in Nigeria],” he was quoted as saying
                         major new downstream facility. Similar positive  in a company statement.
                         news has come from Russia, where Rosneft has   Elsewhere in West Africa, Australia’s FAR has
                         returned to offshore development in the Arc-  arranged to reduce its holding in the Sangomar
                         tic and Gazprom Neft has launched of the next  block offshore Senegal from 15% to 13.67%. It
                         phase of its own Arctic project.     will transfer the 1.33% stake to Petrosen, the
                           The Iraqi government, meanwhile, has signed  national oil company (NOC), which is looking
                         a number of new deals covering oil production,  to raise its own share of the project from 10% to
                         gas capture and power generation with US  18%. The deal offers some financial benefit to
                         investors.                           FAR, which has not fulfilled its obligation to pay
                           Alongside more the encouraging news, how-  its share of the RSSD consortium’s expenses in
                         ever, come reports that highlight the ongoing  recent months.
                         struggle to manage stressed balanced sheets.   Meanwhile, Uganda National Oil Co.
                         India’s ONGC has flagged up that it is consider-  (UNOC) is optimistic about the potential for
                         ing raising billions of dollars’ worth of new debt,  using the Kisumu-Jinja barge route across Lake
                         while Saudi Aramco has reportedly cancelled its  Victoria to increase the volume of petroleum
                         maintenance tender for the Marjan oilfield.  products flowing into the country. The state-run
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