Page 4 - EurOil Week 34
P. 4

EurOil                                        COMMENTARY                                               EurOil

       Turkish gas discovery: has Erdogan

       found more reserves of hot air?

       So far markets do not see Turkey’s gas discovery as a game-changer

        TURKEY           NO one can accuse Turkish President Recep
                         Tayyip Erdogan of underselling Turkey’s gas find
       WHAT:             in the Black Sea.
       Turkey has discovered   The wily monocrat built up expectations
       320bn cubic metres of   and suspense by two days ago promising that he
       gas.              would today (August 21) announce some “good
                         news” that would change the country’s destiny.
       WHY:              Of course, as wags were quick to point out on
       Turkey’s president   social media, the subtext to all this is that the
       says the find will   Turkish lira, and by extension Turkey’s economy,
       provide the country   are in deep crap on the markets and Erdogan’s
       with “unprecedented   lickspittle officials are now working overtime to
       wealth,” but many are   deliver some good news every week to distract
       unconvinced.      the naysayers and avoid an irreversible slide into
                         the mire. Erdogan, they implied, had also discov-
       WHAT NEXT:        ered new reserves of hot air.        bank Wood & Company, was not talking of a
       It could take up to a   But the master rhetorician worked the gas  game-changer, instead telling Bloomberg: “The
       decade to commercialise   discovery hard. Though the size of the identi-  question now is how much of this gas is recover-
       the find, however.  fied reserves—320bn cubic metres (11.3 trillion  able. This is not clear yet. What the market really
                         cubic feet), relatively small compared with other  wants to know also is how much they can pro-
                         major gas fields—turned out to be somewhat  duce per year, but I don’t think they are in the
                         more modest than expected from briefings  position to say that yet.”
                         given by supposedly informed sources to news   Turkey, almost entirely reliant on imports
                         agencies the day before, the executive president  from countries including Russia, Azerbaijan,
                         was able to declare in a televised address from  Iran and Iraq to meet its energy needs, had an
                         an Ottoman palace in Istanbul that “Turkey has  energy import bill of $41bn last year. Bigging
                         realised the biggest natural gas find of its his-  up the impact the gas resource could have on
                         tory in the Black Sea” and rejoice: “My Lord has  the country’s economy, Erdogan’s son-in-law
                         opened the door to unprecedented wealth for  finance minister, speaking by video link from the
                         us.”                                 deck of the Fatih drill ship instrumental in iden-
                                                              tifying the Black Sea gas, said: “We will remove
                         Shares and lira slide                the current account deficit from the agenda of
                         From the immediate reaction of the markets  our country.”
                         it appeared that Erdogan had overplayed his
                         hand—the Borsa Istanbul BIST-100 index fell  Lira saved from 7.50?
                         as much as 1.8% and ended August 21 1.5%  Such a stunning prospect would of course be a
                         down, while shares in Turkish energy companies  life-saver for the lira—Turkey market watch-
                         including refiner Tupras, Aksa Enerji and Aygaz  ers said this week’s impact of the headline gas
                         retreated sharply after the news and the lira was  story may have saved the lira, which hit a record
                         trading 0.5% lower at 7.33 per dollar by the end  low of 7.40 earlier in the week, from plunging
                         of the day—though he must be given some ben-  beyond 7.50—but Jason Tuvey at Capital Eco-
                         efit of the doubt for, who knows, if fortune gives  nomics offered a rather more sober outlook in a
                         the widest of grins to Turkey’s gas explorers in  note to investors, saying: “Turkey’s discovery of
                         the years ahead, some of his further lashings  gas in the Black Sea will provide some boost to
                         of rhetoric—“This reserve is actually part of a  the country’s external position, but it might be
                         much bigger source. God willing, much more  quickly eroded.
                         will come. There will be no stopping until we   “President Erdogan unveiled the discovery
                         become a net exporter in energy,” Erdogan also  on Friday of a field containing 320bn m3 of gas.
                         told assembled media—could come true.  While this is pretty small compared with other
                           As for the discovery as it stands, Jonathan  major gas fields globally, the deposit will help to
                         Lamb, a senior oil and gas analyst at investment  cut Turkey’s energy import bill, which amounted

       P4                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 34   27•August•2020
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