Page 5 - EurOil Week 34
P. 5

EurOil                                       COMMENTARY                                               EurOil

                         to 2% of GDP last year. That said, there are rea-  the sea bed, adding: “We will go down a further
                         sons to be cautious. For one thing, it will take  1,000 metres ... and data shows we will proba-
                         time for the necessary infrastructure to be put  bly reach gas there too.”
                         in place before the gas can be extracted—Mr.   The find is close to an area where maritime
                         Erdogan said that the aim is for gas to be ready  borders of Bulgaria and Romania converge and
                         for use by 2023. Even then, the boost to Turkey’s  not far from Romania’s Neptun block. That,
                         external position may only be temporary.  until now, was the largest gas find in the Black
                           “There is a risk that the authorities respond  Sea in decades. It was discovered eight years ago
                         to the improvement in the balance of payments  by Petrom and Exxon. Romania so far only has
                         position by loosening policy. The resulting  shallow-water gas projects, with the deep-water
                         pick-up in domestic demand would leak into  find yet to be exploited. A company backed by
                         imports and cause an offsetting deterioration in  The Carlyle Group is also exploring off Roma-
                         the current account position.”       nia, with the objective of bringing up gas in 2021.
                           Reuters reported many officials and analysts  Rosneft has explored in the Russian part of the
                         as cautioning that it could take up to a decade for  Black Sea but without concrete results.
                         gas from the Black Sea find to come online, while   The Black Sea reserve is unlikely to sate the
                         it would need billions of dollars of investment to  appetite of Erdogan for hydrocarbons. Turkey
                         build up the infrastructure for production and  remains in dispute with Greece and Cyprus
                         supply, but it also cited Sohbet Karbuz, director  over the borders running through the eastern
                         of hydrocarbons at the Paris-based Mediterra-  Mediterranean as it searches for oil and gas in
                         nean Observatory for Energy, as observing that  contested waters. A similar row with Egypt is
                         Turkey may move ahead swiftly with investment  rumbling. Crete, meanwhile, has complained
                         decisions.                           that the Erdogan palace refuses to recognise its
                           “The process will move very quickly, in terms  existence on the map where potential gas and oil
                         of financing, time and procedures. Help will  deposits are concerned.
                         probably be needed from foreign companies   Erdogan said he also expected “good news”
                         from a technical and technological perspective  from exploration activities in the eastern Med-
                         but I see 2023 as a reasonable target [for extrac-  iterranean. If that particular good news turns
                         tion],” Karbuz said.                 out to be particularly “good”, the oil and gas
                                                              execs might have to factor in the arrival of more
                         Data ‘indicates more gas’            French warships. Standing shoulder to shoul-
                         The gas discovery is located in waters 2,100  der with Greece, French President Emmanuel
                         metres deep in the Tuna-1 zone, 150 kilo-  Macron has lately become deeply unimpressed
                         metres (93.2 miles) from Turkey’s coast.  by the activities of Turkey’s survey vessels and
                         Turkish Energy Minister Fatih Donmez said  drill ships, invariably out at sea with a naval
                         drilling extended another 1,400 metres below  escort. ™

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