Page 12 - EurOil Week 34
P. 12

EurOil                                              NRG                                                EurOil

                         involved in vote-fixing, bribes and other illegal  Turkish President, the find is transformational
                         acts. Meanwhile, Loyoza himself is also facing  for a country which is reliant on imports for
                         corruption charges.                  nearly all of its energy needs.
                           In Brazil, prosecutors have accused two peo-  As Saudi Aramco contends with a massively
                         ple of obtaining confidential market information  reduced capital budget, the company is reported
                         from state-run Petrobras to benefit Denmark’s  to have cancelled its tender for maintenance
                         AP Moller-Maersk, a major player in the global  work at the giant offshore Marjan oilfield. Citing
                         shipping industry. In a statement, judicial offi-  sources close to the company’s long-term agree-
                         cials alleged that Viggo Andersen, a former  ment (LTA) programme, Upstream said that the
                         Maersk executive who was based in Brazil,  contract release purchase order 66 (CRPO-66)
                         had taken part in a scheme to bribe a Petrobras  engineering, procurement and construction
                         executive through an intermediary. The scheme  (EPC) project had been called off.
                         caused Petrobras to incur at least $31.7mn in
                         losses, the statement said.          If you’d like to read more about the key events shaping
                           In Peru, disagreements between the govern-  the Middle East’s oil and gas sector then please click
                         ment and indigenous communities continue to   here for NewsBase’s MEOG Monitor.
                         have an impact on oil-producing areas in Loreto
                         Province. Lima is moving forward with its inves-  North America: Gulf Coast braces for storms
                         tigation of a deadly clash between policemen and  Offshore oil and gas producers in the US Gulf of
                         indigenous protesters at the Bretana oilfield ear-  Mexico – as well as refiners on the coast – were
                         lier this month. The probe appears to be making  suspending operations over the weekend as two
                         enough progress that the demonstrators are will-  storms in the region threatened to cause disrup-
                         ing to let PeruPetro, the national oil and gas reg-  tions. Tropical Storm Marco was downgraded
                         ulator, resume shipments through the Northern  to a tropical depression the day it made landfall,
                         Oil Pipeline (ONP). For its part, PetroTal (Can-  on August 24. However, Tropical Storm Laura
                         ada), the operator of Bretana, hopes to resume  strengthened into Category 3 hurricane this
                         production before the end of the month.  week as it approached the Gulf Coast, posing a
                           Meanwhile, Argentina’s Energy Secretary  serious threat to parts of Louisiana and Texas. It
                         Sergio Lanziani has stepped down from his  was expected to strengthen further to a Category
                         post at the request of Production Minister Mat-  4 hurricane on August 26.
                         ias Kulfas. Dario Martinez, a legislator from   The US Bureau of Safety and Environmental
                         the hydrocarbon-rich Neuquen Province, has  Enforcement (BSEE), the offshore regulator, esti-
                         been named as Lanziani’s replacement. His first  mated that roughly 84.3% of the Gulf’s oil pro-
                         task will be to address the harsh impact that the  duction had been shut in as of August 26, as well
                         coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has had on  as 60.9% of the region’s gas output.
                         Argentina’s oil and gas industry.      Companies that had shut in production
                                                              and evacuated platforms included BP, Chev-
                         If you’d like to read more about the key events shaping   ron, Royal Dutch Shell and Norway’s Equinor.
                         the Latin American oil and gas sector then please click   Onshore, meanwhile, Motiva Enterprises and
                         here for NewsBase’s LatAmOil Monitor.  Valero Energy were among those to shut some
                                                              of their refining operations. Reuters estimated
                         Middle East: Deals, discoveries, budget cuts  on August 25 that nine refining facilities, with
                         Deals were signed last week between the Iraqi  a combined capacity of 2.9mn barrels per day
                         government and five US energy companies  (bpd), were in the process of being shut in.
                         that focus on oil production, gas capture and   The disruption comes just as US producers
                         electricity generation. The news comes as Iraq’s  were getting back on their feet after the severe
                         power sector continues to struggle particularly  industry downturn earlier this year. Data from
                         amid record high temperatures, while Bagh-  oilfield services provider Baker Hughes showed
                         dad remains reliant on neighbouring Iran for  that the total active oil and gas rig count in the US
                         gas and electricity. Iraq has said it will reduce  rose in the week up to August 21 for the first time
                         imports from Iran, but this will depend greatly  since early March. The oil rig count increased by
                         on the progress made in capturing gas and grid  11 on the previous week, while the gas rig count
                         connectivity.                        fell by one. The Permian Basin accounted for the
                           Meanwhile, Turkey this week announced its  majority of the increase.
                         largest ever find at the Tuna-1 well. The discov-
                         ery has been estimated at 320bn cubic metres   If you’d like to read more about the key events shaping
                         and renamed Sakarya. While there are the usual   the North American oil and gas sector then please click
                         concerns about announcements made by the   here for NewsBase’s NorthAmOil Monitor.

       P12                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 34   27•August•2020
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