Page 15 - EurOil Week 34
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EurOil                                      PERFORMANCE                                               EurOil

       Norwegian oil output rebounds in July

        NORWAY           NORWAY’S oil production returned to growth  August 24.
                         in July, while the recovery in its gas output con-  The NPD expects liquids output to fall
       Norway’s government   tinued, data published by the Norwegian Petro-  slightly to just above 2mn bpd in August, but
       imposed output cuts   leum Directorate (NPD) on August 24 shows.  then see modest but steady growth during the
       at the start of June,   Extraction of crude oil and other hydrocar-  rest of the year.
       but these were eased   bon liquids averaged 2.062mn barrels per day   Norwegian gas extraction meanwhile
       in July.          (bpd) last month, up 11% month on month and  climbed for a second month in a row in July.
                         up 20.2% year on year. It also beat the NPD’s  Output averaged 305.6mn cubic metres per day,
                         forecast by 1%.                      marking a 9.3% growth m/m. However, this was
                           Crude oil-only production came to 1.725mn  still 1.1% lower than the level in July last year and
                         bpd in July, up 12.7% m/m and up 27.7% y/y, sur-  was 1.5% under the NPD’s forecast.
                         passing the forecasted level by 0.8%.  Norwegian producers have held back some
                           Norwegian oil output has been rising for  supply this year because of the steep decline
                         much of the last year on the back of the early  in gas prices, triggered by the coronavirus
                         launch of Equinor’s Johan Sverdrup megapro-  (COVID-19) pandemic. The global gas market
                         ject in October. The field is now flowing around  was already oversupplied before the crisis began,
                         470,000 bpd.                         primarily because of new LNG capacity coming
                           In solidarity with OPEC+ efforts, though,  on stream.
                         Norway’s government imposed output cuts at   Prices have rebounded this month, however,
                         the start of June. Liquids production slumped  as summer heat has led to increased use of air
                         8.8% that month from the level of June, landing  conditioning, causing consumption to spike. The
                         at 1.86mn bpd.                       October contract at the Netherlands’ TTF hub
                           Producers were allowed to restore 116,000  closed at €7.62 ($9) per MWh on August 21, up
                         bpd of production in July, but will not be able  from a low last month of €5.45.
                         to extract any more until the end of the year.   The NPD projects that gas production will
                         Even in December, production will be 300,000  slide under 300 mcm per day in August, but will
                         bpd lower than what companies would other-  then see steady growth during the rest of the year,
                         wise have anticipated, the government said on  arriving at around 340 mcm in December. ™

       European gas storage reach 90% capacity

        EUROPE           EUROPE’S gas storage facilities were almost  even as many of Europe’s pipeline gas suppliers
                         90% full on August 18, data published by Gas  have seen weaker sales.
       COVID-19 is just   Infrastructure Europe (GIE) shows, marking an   According to GIE, some 995.6 TWh of
       one factor behind the   unusual high for the time of year.  gas is currently in storage in Europe, out of a
       build-up in gas storage   Europe has seen an unprecedented build-up  total capacity of 1,107 TWh. At the same point
       volumes this year.  in gas storage volumes over the past year, owing  last year there was only 977.4 TWh of gas in
                         to several factors. The continent’s LNG imports  storage.
                         soared in 2019, as higher production capacity in   Gas storage levels in Ukraine also con-
                         the US and elsewhere drove down prices. This  tinue to rise steadily, reaching 253.8 TWh on
                         encouraged increased coal-to-gas switching  August 18, GIE data shows, up from 221.2
                         but also gave traders an incentive to store more  TWh a month earlier and 198.4 TWh on June
                         volumes.                             18. Ukraine’s nameplate gas storage capacity is
                           Towards the end of last year companies  320.3 TWh, but it has not stored this much in
                         also expanded their stocks in anticipation of a  decades.
                         potential disruption to Russian gas supplies via   The country has adopted new measures in
                         Ukraine. This disruption was averted as Moscow  recent years to encourage European traders
                         and Kyiv were able to agree an 11th-hour deal  to use its underground reservoirs, includ-
                         covering continued transit in 2020.  ing reduced tariffs and a customs warehouse
                           Gas demand has also been weaker this year,  scheme. This scheme allows foreign firms to
                         not only because of coronavirus (COVID-19)  keep their gas in Ukraine for up to 1,095 days
                         lockdown measures, but also unusually mild  without paying customs duties and other taxes.
                         weather in the winter months. Hot weather in   These measures have had some success,
                         recent weeks and a resulting increase in air con-  with storage operator Ukrtransgaz reporting
                         ditions has shored consumption levels, however.  on August 5 that foreign companies accounted
                         This spurred a rebound in prices earlier this  for nearly a quarter of the gas in its facilities, or
                         month.                               5.2bn cubic metres. This was almost four times
                           LNG imports have continued rising in 2020,  the volume at the same point last year. ™

       Week 34   27•August•2020                 www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P15
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