Page 7 - AsiaElec Week 43 2020
P. 7

AsiaElec                                     COMMENTARY                                             AsiaElec

                         would continue to focus on core areas of support,  counting on hydrogen to provide a compelling
                         including hydrogen blending in gas networks.  counter-argument to full-scale electrification in
                           “We have identified 240 pieces of legislation  Australia.
                         that might need to be changed. We have also   Jemena in June to put hydrogen front and
                         directed AUD1.68mn [$1.2mn] to private and  centre of the national energy strategy. Respond-
                         public sector entities to support feasibility stud-  ing to the government’s Technology Investment
                         ies across seven proposed projects,” MacTiernan  Roadmap (TIR), Jemena executive general
                         said at an industry event in Perth.  manager of gas distribution Jennifer Purdie said
                           She flagged up AUD18mn ($12.83mn) in  it was “time to challenge the notion that custom-
                         additional government funding for the hydro-  ers can only access renewable energy through
                         gen sector, following the release of AUD10mn  the electricity grid”.
                         ($7.13mn) in conjunction with the launch of   The company said its New South Wales gas
                         its Renewable Hydrogen Strategy. The minister  network could be repurposed to sell zero-carbon
                         said the government had earmarked AUD5mn  gases, arguing that this would be a cheaper solu-
                         ($3.56mn) of the additional funds for grant  tion than adapting the electricity grid to handle
                         awards, with a portion of these ring-fenced for  the same load.
                         blending studies.                      Jemena is currently conducting a green
                           MacTiernan said: “We believe that blending  hydrogen trial in NSW at the Western Sydney
                         into the existing gas reticulation system is going  Green Gas Project. The project will convert solar
                         to be a really important way of developing this  and wind power into hydrogen gas, which will
                         industry early and we are providing AUD1mn  then be stored for use in the company’s NSW gas
                         ($713,000) towards a detailed supply chain  network.
                         study.”                                In addition to the cost benefits, green hydro-
                           MacTiernan called on commercial groups  gen also acts as a more efficient storage option for
                         interested in producing or using renewable  excess renewable power generation than batter-
                         hydrogen within the Oakajee Strategic Indus-  ies. Advocates of the technology must still over-
                         trial Area (SIA) to submit expressions of inter-  come several hurdles on the way to proving that
                         est (EoIs) before December 24. The government  adopting 100% hydrogen networks is not only
                         has provisions in place to link the SIA to the  possible but is also viable. One often cited issue
                         Dampier-to-Bunbury gas pipeline.     is hydrogen embrittlement, wherein metal gas
                           She added that the government had brought  pipes and appliances will crack, requiring pipe-
                         forward its target of hydrogen accounting for  line and residential gas system upgrades.
                         10% of the state’s reticulated gas – liquid petro-  Nevertheless, the federal government has
                         leum gas (LPG) that is delivered by pipeline –  backed “clean” hydrogen – green hydrogen or
                         from 2040 to 2030. The minister added: “If we  decarbonised blue hydrogen – with Austral-
                         kept 2040 as our target, we were going to be lag-  ian Energy Minister Angus Taylor revealing in
                         gards rather than at the forefront.”  September that the government had earmarked
                                                              AUD18bn ($12.72bn) of funding over the next
                         What next                            decade for a portfolio of low-emissions technol-
                         AGN and AGIG are not the only operators  ogies, including hydrogen. ™

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