Page 21 - GLNG Week 41
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GLNG                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                             GLNG

                                                                                which LNG affords.”
                                                                                  Keppel O&M has developed a suite of
                                                                                solutions in both the demand and supply
                                                                                of LNG as fuel. It is currently building
                                                                                eight dual-fuel vessels, including LBVs,
                                                                                containerships, and dredgers. Keppel O&M is
                                                                                also promoting LNG as a marine fuel through
                                                                                FueLNG, its joint venture with Shell Eastern
                                                                                Petroleum (Pte) Ltd, which provides safe
                                                                                truck and vessel LNG bunkering solutions in
                                                                                Singapore. FueLNG’s first LBV, which is also
                                                                                Singapore’s first, is scheduled to be operational
                                                                                by end-2020.
                                                                                KEPPEL OFFSHORE & MARINE, October 14,
       jobs, revenue and opportunity far beyond   also functions as an LNG bunkering vessel
       prospective terminal or power plant sites.  (LBV), making it the first in South East Asia
         “The memorandum will enable cleaner,   to do so.                       EUROPE
       more affordable and more reliable energy for   It is the first of two such vessels that Keppel
       the people of the Philippines,” said Wes Edens,   O&M is building for Avenir LNG, expanding   P&O Cruises officially
       CEO and chairman of NFE. “Increasing access  its suite of solutions across the gas value
       to power across the islands at a rapid pace   chain. This reinforces Keppel’s Vision 2030,   welcomes new ship Iona
       will create significant growth opportunities.   which includes seizing opportunities in LNG
       We look forward to working closely with our   solutions and renewables.  to its fleet – a “positive
       partners at PNOC and the government to   The 7,500 cubic metre LBV was built at
       bring more reliable power and help accelerate   Keppel Nantong Shipyard in China, and is   signal for the future”
       the clean energy transition.”       equipped with engines that can run on both
         The MoU was signed October 14, 2020   diesel and LNG. Keppel O&M’s technology   At an official handover ceremony with the
       in a virtual ceremony that featured PNOC   arm, Offshore Technology Development   Meyer Werft shipyard in Germany on Friday,
       president and CEO Admiral Reuben S. Lista   (OTD), also installed and commissioned the   P&O Cruises took ownership of Iona, the
       (Ret) and New Fortress chairman and CEO   vessel’s Ballast Water Treatment System.  latest addition to its fleet and the largest cruise
       Wes Edens. Secretary of Energy, Alfonso G.   Mr Tan Leong Peng, Managing Director   ship ever built for the UK market.
       Cusi, who is also the ex-officio chairman   (New Builds), Keppel O&M, said, “We are   At 185,000 tonnes, 345 metres in length
       of the board of PNOC, was also present to   pleased to deliver South East Asia’s first   with 17 guest decks and setting new ground
       extend the Department of Energy’s support to   LBV, which strengthens our capabilities   for guest experience, Iona is the first British
       the co-operation.                   and extends our track record in providing   cruise ship to be powered by liquefied natural
         “We are confident that, with this   solutions across the gas value chain.  gas (LNG).
       cooperation with New Fortress Energy, PNOC   “This is the fourth dual-fuel vessel we have   P&O Cruises president, Paul Ludlow,
       will find meaningful ways to contribute to   delivered, and one of four LNG bunkering   who was present at the event in Papenburg
       achieving energy security and stability in the   vessels we are building. It is a testament   and signed the Protocol for Delivery and
       country,” said Admiral Lista. “NFE can help us   to our versatility and ability to provide   Acceptance said: “Iona’s delivery is a very
       bridge the gaps in the value chain for a robust   environmentally-friendly solutions for more   positive signal for the future of cruising. She
       LNG industry and enable us to take that giant   sustainable vessel operations. Keppel O&M   is now officially part of the P&O Cruises
       leap towards the realisation of the Philippines’   is well-positioned to capture opportunities in   fleet and we are focused on readying her
       potential as a strategic LNG hub for the Asia-  the LNG market as companies increasingly   to welcome guests during her new maiden
       Pacific region.”                    adopt LNG as a marine fuel for a wide range   season to Northern Europe, Spain, Portugal
       NEW FORTRESS ENERGY, October 15, 2020  of vessels.”                      and the Canary Islands from our home port of
                                              Avenir Advantage has been chartered by   Southampton.
       Keppel strengthens                  Petronas LNG to provide ship-to-ship LNG   crew and the communities we visit, events this
                                                                                  “Already eagerly anticipated by our guests,
                                           bunkering to vessels across Malaysia, and
       offerings in gas solutions          transport services as an LNG carrier for small-  year have increased the sense of anticipation
                                           scale terminals in the region.
                                                                                even more.
       with delivery of its first LNG      commented: “The flexible design of our   paused until early 2021 Iona will not be sailing
                                              Avenir LNG’s CEO, Milorad Doljanin
                                                                                  “Whilst our operations are currently
       carrier                             vessels means our ships can support the   for the moment but we look forward to our
                                                                                guests experiencing this game-changing
                                           development of the LNG bunker fuel market
       Keppel Offshore & Marine (Keppel O&M)   in the shorter term whilst underpinning our   ship as we will continue to offer unparalleled
       has successfully delivered its first newbuild   strategic objective; to enable LNG supply to   holidays at sea whilst also upholding the latest
       liquefied natural gas (LNG) carrier, Avenir   energy users who were previously unable to   approved travel protocols.”
       Advantage to Avenir LNG. The LNG carrier   enjoy the environmental and cost benefits   P&O CRUISES, October 12, 2020

       Week 41   16•October•2020                www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P21
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