Page 20 - GLNG Week 41
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GLNG                                             EUROPE                                                GLNG

       QP books 25 years of

       capacity at UK Grain LNG

        PROJECTS &       QATAR Petroleum (QP) has secured 25 years of  known as North Field South (NFS), will increase
        COMPANIES        storage and redelivery capacity at the UK’s Grain  it to 126mn tpy by the late 2020s.
                         LNG terminal starting in mid-2025, it said on   Qatar, already the world’s biggest LNG pro-
                         October 13.                          ducer, has said it may pursue additional expan-
                           The deal comes after Grain LNG’s owner  sion phases.
                         National Grid launched an open season process   “In 2017, we announced our intention
                         in November last year. QP said its affiliate would  to increase our LNG production capacity to
                         subscribe to up to 7.2mn tonnes per year (tpy) of  100mn tpy. The target was then increased
                         capacity at the site.                in 2018 to 110mn tpy, and again, [after we
                           “By entering into this agreement, we are  obtained] more data on the capability of our
                         reaffirming our commitment to the United  giant North Field, the target was increased in
                         Kingdom’s gas market,” QP CEO and Qatari  2019 to 126mn tpy by 2027,” al-Kaabi said at a
                         Energy Minister Saad Sherida al-Kaabi said in a  conference in Japan on October 13. “As history
                         statement.                           has shown, we don’t expect to stop at 126mn.
                           Grain LNG, situated on the Isle of Grain off   We continue to strive to develop our natural
                         Kent, is able to store and supply enough gas to  gas resources and lead the way in the world’s
                         meet at least 25% of UK gas demand. QP is also a  LNG value chain.”
                         67.5% shareholder in another UK LNG terminal   QP received final bids last month from three
                         at South Hook.                       engineering consortia for the construction of the
                           QP’s capacity reservation comes as it embarks  first-phase liquefaction trains.
                         on a major expansion project at the offshore   “We continue to move full steam ahead with
                         North Field, the source of the country’s LNG.  the North Field expansion projects and expect
                         The first phase, known as North Field East  to sign all remaining EPC contracts before
                         (NFE), will raise output from the current 77mn  the end of this year as previously announced,”
                         tpy to 110mn tpy by 2025, while the second,  al-Kaabi said.™

                                                   NEWS IN BRIEF

       AMERICAS                            curve combined with the absolute lowest FID   ASIA
                                           threshold of 2.0-2.5 mtpa firm offtake.
       Delfin announces                    uses the latest gas turbine technology,   New Fortress Energy
                                             The Delfin newbuild FLNG vessel design
       completion of FEED for the          optimisations of the Black & Veatch’s patented   signs MoU with Philippine
                                           PRICO® liquefaction technology, direct air
       Delfin newbuild FLNG vessel         cooling and waste-heat recovery to achieve   National Oil Company to
                                           maximum fuel efficiency and minimal (GHG)
       Today Delfin Midstream is pleased to   emissions.                        advance LNG infrastructure
       announce the completion of FEED for the   Each vessel will be equipped with two
       newbuild FLNG Vessel of 3.5 mtpa nameplate   offloading facilities to service both large,   New Fortress Energy announced today
       capacity for the Delfin LNG project in co-  ocean-going carriers as well as the regional   that it has signed a memorandum of
       operation with Samsung Heavy Industries and   demand for LNG bunkering and small-scale   understanding (MoU) with the Philippine
       Black & Veatch.                     carriers. With ultimately four FLNG vessels   National Oil Company (PNOC) to advance
         The tripartite co-operation has been   in operation, the project will have 4 berths   the development of infrastructure to supply
       successful in developing a robust, low cost   for 13 mtpa, which provides an unmatched   reliable, cost-competitive power and natural
       and efficient FLNG vessel design for the   operational flexibility to service the bunkering   gas into the Philippine market, for the benefit
       project. The FEED results together with the   and small-scale market.    of the country and the Filipino people.
       overall project development activities enable   In parallel to the FEED the parties   Under the MoU, PNOC and NFE will work
       the company to execute the project for a total   have developed a term sheet for a lump-  together to identify potential opportunities
       capital cost of around $550/tpa.    sum, turnkey engineering, procurement,   to accelerate the development of important
         Each FLNG vessel can be developed   construction, integration and commissioning   LNG and power infrastructure in the
       independently, with its own commercial and   contract (LSTK EPCIC) as basis for the   country, leveraging future investments to
       financial structure, which allows Delfin to   development of a fully termed agreement.  build a new and durable LNG value chain
       be at the lower end of the global LNG cost   DELFIN MIDSTREAM, October 11, 2020  in the Philippines capable of generating

       P20                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 41   16•October•2020
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