Page 19 - GLNG Week 41
P. 19

GLNG                                            EUROPE                                                GLNG

       European gas prices recover

       to level at end-2019

        PERFORMANCE      EUROPEAN gas prices have seen a significant  than the seasonal average but within historical
                         recovery, with spot contracts at the Dutch TTF  bounds.”
                         hub now selling at $186 per 1,000 cubic metres,   Russia’s Gazprom naturally stands to gain
                         Kommersant reported on October 12.   from higher prices over the coming months.
                           This marks the highest level since December  But “the rebound in gas prices might lead to a
                         2019, just before prices plummeted after Russia  recovery in LNG imports, which in turn would
                         and Ukraine agreed a new transit deal, averting  likely keep gas prices from appreciating further,”
       Russia’s Gazprom   a potential supply disruption to Europe. Prices  VTBC said.
       blames US LNG     slumped to an historic low of $34 per 1,000 cubic   Gazprom has been hit harder by the slump
       exporters for     metres on May 21, as a result of coronavirus  in European demand than most other suppli-
       unbalancing the   (COVID-19) lockdowns and a growing supply  ers, with its pipeline sales to the continent con-
       market.           glut.                                tracting by 9% so far this year, the International
                           November gas futures are trading even higher  Energy Agency (IEA) estimated in a webinar on
                         than the spot price, at $187 per 1,000 cubic  October 12.
                         metres, according to Kommersant.       The company expects the European mar-
                           “The growth in gas prices in Europe was  ket to remain overstocked into next year, due
                         made possible by flattish LNG supplies to the  to rebounding US LNG supplies, Gazprom
                         region, which have fallen a marginal 1% in Sep-  Export CEO Elena Burmistrova said at the
                         tember-October to date versus August, but in  online Flame conference. She blamed US
                         general have been declining in recent months,  LNG exporters for unbalancing the market,
                         dropping 10% versus the summer,” VTB Capital  saying that Gazprom had acted “responsibly
                         (VTBC) commented in a research note. “Natu-  and self-confidently” by taking a hit to its sales
                         ral gas storage is now 96% full, which is higher  rather than flooding the market.™

       Russia’s Novatek ups gas

       output 4.5% in third quarter

        PERFORMANCE      RUSSIAN natural gas major Novatek reported  extremely low prices available on the European
                         a 4.5% year-on-year increase in gas output in  and Asian spot markets in 3Q20,” BCS GM ana-
                         3Q20, and overall hydrocarbon production  lysts argue.
                         growth of 3.6% y/y.                    In Russia, gas sales increased by 5.1% y/y
                           The company’s direct natural gas sales  following the rise in core production, a posi-
                         declined by 0.8% y/y, owing to the LNG sales  tive sign reflecting the company’s tapping of
                         from is Yamal LNG project going mainly to  deeper, tighter horizons in West Siberia in core
                         long-term contract sales, reducing the amount  operations and in joint venture projects such as
                         of LNG available for spot sales by the joint ven-  SeverEnergia and Nortgas.
                         ture partners, BCS Global Markets commented   More support for domestic sales also likely
                         on October 13.                       came from the ramp-up of output at its wholly
                           Novatek is securing the financing for Arctic  owned North Russkoye project, BCS GM noted.
                         LNG-2, its second liquefaction project to launch   However, BCS GM added that domestic gas
                         production. Its first, Yamal LNG, went on stream  sales are the lowest margin (albeit significant)
                         in December 2017 and is now producing 17mn  business that Novatek has, and the small “fall in
                         tonnes per year (tpy) of super-cooled gas.   liquids sales could offset much of the financial
                           Despite the slight decline in sales in the third  gains from the increased gas sales”.
                         quarter, BCS GM believes that on a net basis,   For the second quarter of 2020 under IFRS
                         long-term sales are likely a gain for the com-  Novatek showed $2bn in total revenues, $0.99bn
                         pany, as the long-term gas contracts have oil  total Ebitda (including joint ventures such as
                         price links.                         Yamal LNG) and net income of $0.58bn. The
                           This, in turn, “almost certainly gave higher  company beat consensus expectations on its top
                         margins than would have been realised via the  and bottom lines by 2% and 7% respectively.™

       Week 41   16•October•2020                www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P19
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