Page 5 - GLNG Week 41
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volume of oil extracted from the offshore Jubilee prices and demand as a result of the health crisis.
field to 300mn barrels. Kurniasih said last week that the watchdog
Rahul Dhir, the CEO of Tullow, called this devel- was spurring developers to boost oil production
opment “a significant moment” for his company, by 2,900 barrels per day this year to 707,200 bpd
which has experienced difficulties in other parts by optimising development drilling, workover
of Africa over the last 12 months. and well intervention. “For the oil target, we
Also in Ghana, Cenpower Generation Co. are optimistic that it can be achieved, especially
(CGC), the operator of the Kpone Independent since the planned shutdown of [Banyu Urip]
Power Plant (KIPP) near Accra, has agreed to yesterday was successfully accelerated,” she told
switch from light crude oil to natural gas as its main Kontan on October 4.
fuel. The company will receive the gas from Ghana She was speaking after US super-major Exx-
National Petroleum Corp. (GNPC). onMobil shut down the field in order to upgrade
the project’s gas handling capacity, as well as
If you’d like to read more about the key events shaping tie-in production from state-owned Pertami-
Africa’s oil and gas sector then please click here for na’s Jambaran-Tiung Biru (JTB) gas unitisation
NewsBase’s AfrOil Monitor . development. ExxonMobil’s accelerated planned
shutdown is expected to increase production by
Asia: Indonesia aims to lift production 1,200 bpd, while the drilling of 11 wells at Cherv-
Indonesia’s upstream regulator SKK Migas has on’s Rokan Block in the fourth quarter should
said it is working with several contractors with add another 400 bpd.
licences due to expire in 2022 to help them meet
their work commitments despite the coronavi- If you’d like to read more about the key events shaping
rus (COVID-19) pandemic. The acting head of Asia’s oil and gas sector then please click here for
SKK Migas’ programme and communication NewsBase’s AsianOil Monitor .
division, Susana Kurniasih, said the health crisis
had delayed exploration and enhance oil recov- DMEA: Nigeria extends oil-for-fuels scheme
ery (EOR) work across 13 blocks. “SKK Migas Nigerian National Petroleum Corp. (NNPC) will
and contractors are reviewing the new schedule, continue its crude oil-for-products swap pro-
adjusted for the COVID-19 pandemic and oil gramme until 2023, the state-owned company’s
prices,” Indonesian language media outlet Kon- managing director Mele Kyari told a conference
tan quoted her as saying on October 9. on October 6.
Kontan, siting SKK Migas data, said the con- Speaking at a conference, Kyari said that an
tractors’ exploration commitments amounted agreement with 15 trading companies and refin-
to $782.7mn, with the money earmarked for 41 ers on gasoline supplies in exchange for crude
geophysical and geological (G&G) studies and oil had been extended for six more months until
the acquisition of 2,150 km of 2D seismic data the end of March.The swap deal will continue
and 3,050 square km of 3D seismic data, as well until Nigeria’s refining industry is ready to meet
as the drilling of 70 exploration wells. The com- domestic demand in three years, he said.
panies’ EOR commitments, which include two The country, Africa’s biggest oil producer,
developments and nine trial projects, will attract relies heavily on fuel imports, as its main domes-
$386.8mn. tic refineries are in disrepair and have been
SKK Migas has previously said the commit- closed down.
ted work programmes across the 13 licences Meanwhile, Nigeria’s Dangote conglomerate
could help lift production from an anticipated plans to bring on stream a new 650,000 barrel
420,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day this year per day (bpd) refinery in Lekki in 2021-2022, but
to 450,000 boepd in 2022. there is a risk of delays. Once the plant is online,
The regulator has been stepping up its efforts though, Nigeria expects to have spare fuel for
to engage upstream developers to produce more export. Meanwhile, NNPC wants to modernise
oil and gas, despite the collapse in both energy its four existing plants by attracting international
Week 41 16•October•2020 www. NEWSBASE .com P5