Page 9 - GLNG Week 41
P. 9

GLNG                                         COMMENTARY                                               GLNG

       Unplanned outages

       plague LNG plants

       A handful of liquefaction terminals around the

       world are dealing with unplanned outages for a

       variety of reasons

        PERFORMANCE      SEVERAL LNG facilities globally have had to  investigation into the fire, which is also being
                         deal with outages recently, for a variety of rea-  investigated by Norway’s Petroleum Safety
       WHAT:             sons. Most recently, Equinor said in a regulatory  Authority.
       Unplanned outages have   statement on October 12 that its LNG terminal
       hit several LNG terminals   on Melkoeya Island in Hammerfest, Norway was  Struggling to restart
       around the world.  expected to resume output on January 1, 2021.  Hammerfest LNG joins a handful of other facil-
                         The plant went offline after it was damaged in a  ities where repairs are underway, including two
       WHY:              fire last month.                     in Australia. One of these is Chevron’s Gorgon
       Liquefaction plants are   The fire occurred in one of the plant’s elec-  LNG terminal in Western Australia, where one
       struggling with weather   tricity-generating turbines on September 28 and  train remains offline while cracks on propane
       events, weld quality   was extinguished on the same day. It followed a  heat exchangers are being repaired. The other
       issues and fire damage.  shutdown of the plant following an outage earlier  two Gorgon trains are scheduled to go offline
                         in September. The facility had been scheduled to  next year – though not both at the same time –
       WHAT NEXT:        restart on September 13, but this was delayed  to be inspected for similar weld quality issues to
       The outages may actually   until September 23 following the discovery of a  the ones that required repairs in Train 2.
       be welcome for others in   gas leak.                     Chevron had initially planned to complete
       an oversupplied market.  The fire was thus the latest in a series of  the repairs on Train 2 by early September, but
                         mishaps for Hammerfest LNG – which is also  subsequently said the restart of the train would
                         known as Melkoeya LNG – and the most serious.  be delayed until October. No further update has
                         A labour union representative and the head of  been issued since.
                         the local fire brigade were quoted by local media   Separately, Royal Dutch Shell is struggling to
                         in the aftermath of the fire describing it as being  restart operations at the Prelude floating LNG
                         close to a worst-case scenario – which would  (FLNG) project, which went offline in February
                         have been the total destruction of the plant.  owing to an electrical trip and has not exported
                           Equinor has launched an  internal  any cargoes since. Prelude is the largest FLNG

                                                                                                  Hammerfest LNG will
                                                                                                  not return to service
                                                                                                  until 2021.

       Week 41   16•October•2020                www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P9
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