Page 13 - AsiaElec Week 02 2021
P. 13

AsiaElec                                   NEWS IN BRIEF                                            AsiaElec

       welding process on screen, while feeling the   for efficient power consumption by   (ERC) yesterday approved a discounted
       feedback from the robotic machines to make   continuing to use heating equipment amid   electricity tariff for households and small
       the necessary adjustments.          the cold wave while curbing the use of other   businesses from February to March as part
         “This new technology will greatly improve   electric appliances.       of the government’s relief measures to help
       the efficiency of the welding technicians and   Electricity demand for heating has been   the people and businesses cope with the new
       their work environment, as well as strengthen   increasing recently as cold weather continues   outbreak of Covid-19 that is crippling the
       the welding quality and production capacity.”  to hit many regions of the country. In seven   economy.
                                           regions, mainly in western Japan, on Friday,   Deputy Prime Minister Supattanapong
                                           maximum power demand surpassed the levels   Punmeechaow, who is also energy minister,
                                           believed to be seen once in about 10 years, the   said one measure is a discounted electricity
       SOL AR                              federation said.                     tariff to help workers who are working from
                                              Meanwhile, there have been days when   home and small businesses.
       Singapore’s OCBC offers             the amount of electricity generated with solar   months will cost a total of 8.202bn baht. Of
                                                                                  He said the discounted tariff over next two
                                           energy dropped due to bad weather, according
       solar panel consumer loans          to the group.                        the total, 5bn baht will come from part of the
                                              As of 10 p.m. Sunday, the proportion of
                                                                                Finance Ministry’s special relief package, and
       OCBC Bank has launched a consumer loan   power demand to supply capacity came to   another 3bn baht will come from the budget
       for landed property home owners looking to   98% at Chugoku Electric Power Co., which   for state power generation and distribution.
       install solar panels on their homes.  serves the Chugoku region, and 97% at   The Electricity Generating Authority of
         The loan facility, which is Singapore’s first,   Kyushu Electric Power Co., whose service area   Thailand (EGAT), Metropolitan Electricity
       provides these owners with a term-financing   is the Kyushu region.      Authority (MEA), and Provincial Electricity
       option for installing solar panels, defraying   But there are concerns about decreases   Authority (PEA) have set budgets for capital
       upfront costs to enable and accelerate clean   in inventories of liquefied natural gas, used   spending each year.
       energy adoption, the bank said in a press   as fuel for thermal power generation. In   Household and small businesses which
       statement on Monday (Jan 11).       addition, cold weather is forecast across   will benefit from discounted electricity tariffs
         Each home owner can borrow up to   the nation on Tuesday, after the three-day   comprise 23.7mn users or 97% of total power
       $30,000, with a tenure of between one and   weekend, possibly causing the supply-demand   users.
       five years to allow for greater flexibility on the   balance to become even tighter, industry   A household with a power meter indicating
       repayment period, it added.         sources said.                        less than 5 amperes and consuming power of
         Moreover, the bank has exclusively                                     less than 150 kilowatt hour (units) per month
       partnered Sembcorp Industries’ electricity                               will get power free of charge for unit 1 to unit
       retail arm Sembcorp Power to provide home                                90. This category has 10.13mn users.
       owners with onsite solar panel installation   TARIFFS                      For a household which consumes power of
       assessment. Initial consultation costs will be                           more than 150 units per month, the monthly
       borne by Sembcorp Power, OCBC said.  Thailand’s ERC to slash             bill will be discounted for the amount
         OCBC’s head of consumer financial                                      exceeding the total units of its December
       services Singapore Sunny Quek said offering   power bills in relief bid  monthly bill.
       this retail loan for solar panels is one of
       the key ways to introduce and improve the   Thailand’s Energy Regulatory Commission
       accessibility of a green and sustainable energy
       source to Singapore’s landed property home
         “This is the first but an important step in
       getting people to relook the way they view
       electricity and we are glad to pioneer this
       loan,” he said.


       Federation of Electric

       Power Companies of Japan
       lobbied for power saving

       The Federation of Electric Power Companies
       of Japan has called for cooperation for power
       saving as the supply-demand balance becomes
       tight amid a cold snap hitting the country.
         The industry group said Sunday on its
       website that it wants customers to cooperate

       Week 02   13•January•2020                www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P13
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