Page 11 - AsiaElec Week 02 2021
P. 11

AsiaElec                                    NEWS IN BRIEF                                           AsiaElec


       GRA approves K-Electric

       licence for construction
       and operation of pipeline

       for transmission of natural


       Pakistan’s Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority
       (OGRA) has approved K-Electric’s application
       for a license to construct and operate a gas
       pipeline, that will supply re-gasified liquefied
       natural gas (RLNG) for the upcoming
       RLNG-based 900 MW BQPS-III power plant
       and supplementing fuel requirement of the
       power plants located at its Bin Qasim power
         This is a very positive development for KE
       as the grant of the license by OGRA is a first
       ever license obtained by KE in the oil & gas
       sector and is a key step in ensuring that the
       upcoming BQPS III power plant receives the   Asian renewables            per cent by 2030 from 10 per cent in 2020.
       right amount of gas, at the right pressure. This                           Subsidised power tariffs could see
       milestone will go a long way in helping bridge   Chinese companies and financiers, the biggest   Vietnam’s wind-power generating capacity
       the supply-demand gap in Karachi in the   backers of coal power plants globally, are   surge from 0.5GW in 2019 to 4GW by 2025,
       years to come.                      stepping up their investments in Southeast   although a proposed 17 per cent tariff cut and
         In the notification issued on January 6,   Asia’s renewable power sector, thanks to the   power grid bottlenecks could dampen growth
       2021, OGRA grants a licence to K-Electric   falling costs of clean energy and climate-  from 2022, industry body Global Wind
       Limited to undertake regulated activity   friendly policy in the region, according to   Energy Council said.
       related to construction and operation of 14   project advisers, the South Chian Morning   While Chinese investors and financiers are
       inch diameter x 2.4-km natural gas pipeline   Post reported.             paying more attention to renewable energy,
       along with ancillary/connected facilities    “There is an increasing shift in focus since   they will not stop investing in fossil fuel
       for purpose of transmission of natural gas/  2018 to invest in renewable projects,” said   projects
       RLNG from tie-in point, SSGC custody   Singapore-based Kim Hock Ang, a principal   in the region, said Lucas Zhang Liutong,
       transfer station located at Bin Qasim to KE   in law firm Baker McKenzie Wong & Leow’s   director of consultancy WaterRock Energy
       Bin Qasim power complex.” K-Electric had   finance and projects team. “I see Chinese   Economics.
       submitted an application for the same on May   sponsors setting up subsidiaries focusing
       18, 2020, so as to ensure the pipeline would   solely on [them].”
       be built in time for the commissioning of the   Supported by China’s solar equipment
       first unit of BQPSIII. It is pertinent to note   manufacturers, which have built the biggest   BATTERIES
       that in the interest of expediting the process,   supply chain in the world, Chinese investors
       the power utility has agreed to undertake   are in a particularly strong position in terms   Huge battery to be built at
       the construction of the pipeline from the   of cost-competitiveness in project tenders.
       nearest SSGC custody transfer station, on a   “Chinese bidders have had overwhelming   NSW coal power plant
       self-finance basis. The EPC contractor and   success in recent Myanmar solar tenders,” he
       the owner engineer for this pipeline project   said. “They have also been active in Vietnam,   Origin Energy has unveiled plans to build
       are already on-board, the detail design of is   Cambodia and Laos.”      a 700MW capacity battery at its coal-fired
       already completed and the pipeline material   Vietnam’s policies allowing full foreign   power plant in Eraring, south of Newcastle, in
       has already been procured. Now, with the   ownership of renewable projects also played   the New South Wales Hunter region.
       issuance of License by OGRA, K-Electric has   a role in attracting Chinese companies, he   Origin has ledged a Connection Enquiry
       immediately started construction of pipeline   added. Malaysia and the Philippines have   has also been lodged with NSW transmission
       for its timely availability for commissioning of   foreign ownership restrictions.  network service provider TransGrid to
       900 MW power plant.                    State-owned power plant builder   connect the battery to the national grid via the
       K-ELECTRIC                          PowerChina financed a 0.5 gigawatt solar farm  Eraring substation.
                                           in southern Vietnam which was the largest in   Origin Executive General Manager,
                                           Southeast Asia when it was completed in mid   Energy Supply and Operations, Greg Jarvis,
       FINANCING                           2019.                                said deploying a battery at Eraring supports
                                              Vietnam, whose power demand grew at an   Origin’s decarbonisation objectives and recent
       Chinese financiers step into        average annual rate of 10 per cent in the five   NSW energy policy announcements.
                                           years to 2019, aims to lift the proportion of
                                                                                  “We recognise we have an important role
                                           renewables in its power capacity mix to 15-20   to play in positioning Origin’s electricity

       Week 02   13•January•2020                www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P11
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