Page 12 - AsiaElec Week 02 2021
P. 12

AsiaElec                                     NEWS IN BRIEF                                           AsiaElec

       generation portfolio to support Australia’s   (IDF) that will see 10 Taiwanese companies   1 & 2a offshore wind farms.
       rapid transition to renewables.     receive funding to upgrade technologies for   “As to technologies localisation, we have
         “A large-scale battery at Eraring will help us  the offshore wind sector, while further money   seen Taiwan companies demonstrate their
       better support renewable energy and maintain   will go to training for over 170 people in   research and development capabilities.
       reliable supply for customers, by having long   Taiwan.                    “The selected projects not only can help
       duration storage ready to dispatch into the   Ten local companies that are planning to   strengthen local manufacturing as well as
       grid at times when renewable sources are not   become future offshore wind sub-suppliers   operations and maintenance capabilities,
       available.                          have been awarded funds to upgrade their   but also meet the needs to further offshore
         “The deployment of this battery at Eraring   offshore wind technologies.  wind development in Taiwan and lay a solid
       will support Origin’s orderly transition away   The Metal Industries Research &   foundation for the country to grow into the
       from coal-fired generation by 2032, while   Development Centre, which is responsible   Asia-Pacific offshore wind export centre.”
       complementing the policy objectives of the   for executing and managing the IDF, signed   Data Surpass Technology business
       NSW energy roadmap,” Jarvis said.   the contracts with the 10 selected companies   manager Hung Kun-sheng said: “We are
         Following selection of a preferred supplier,   today to kick off their researches for the next   honoured to be awarded the Orsted’s Offshore
       achievement of the required permitting, and   12 to 18 months.           Wind Industrial Development Fund.
       establishment of the network connection, as   Moreover, a total of 92 local people will   “Due to weather constraints and sea
       well as Origin Board approval, the operational   receive high-level welding training, while   conditions in the Taiwan Strait, only a
       capacity of the battery is expected to be   80 individuals are to receive Global Wind   limited number of days a year is suitable for
       deployed over three phases, with the first   Organisation (GWO) safety training.  conducting maritime survey.
       phase expected to be reached by late 2022.  Two of the selected companies are from   “Our unmanned vehicle and seabed
         Eraring is Australia’s largest power station,   Changhua.              mapping technology can significantly reduce
       supplying around a quarter of NSW’s energy   Data Surpass Technology is planning to   the manpower, time and cost required and
       needs and is Origin’s only coal-fired generator.  upgrade its unmanned vehicle structure to   increase the efficiency and precision of the
         The mega-battery will allow Origin to use   weather more powerful waves at sea and   maritime survey work, as opposed to the
       the plant’s existing infrastructure and network   advance its control system.  deployment of large survey vessel.”
       connections long after the plant has stopped   The company is also building a new facility   Tai-Shing Engineering and Construction
       producing energy by burning coal, ABC   in Hemei Township in Changhua County to   chairman representative James Wu finding
       reported.                           test and assemble the unmanned vehicle and   high-level welders to consistently deliver the
         The battery will also support the NSW   equipment.                     same high quality of welding is currently
       energy grid’s transition away from fossil fuels   Tai-Shing Engineering and Construction   the biggest challenge most local foundation
       and the entry of new solar and wind projects   has recently tapped into the offshore wind   suppliers are facing.
       in coming decades.                  sector, becoming a sub-supplier that produces   He said: “It requires experienced welding
                                           pin piles and components for the foundations.  technicians to properly adjust the welding
                                              It will use the money from Orsted to   material and the angle to deliver high quality
                                           develop the remote welding technology.  results.
       WIND                                   Orsted Taiwan general manager       “Our company will use the fund provided
                                           Christy Wang said: “Orsted is committed   by Orsted to develop the remote welding
       Orsted awarded wind tech            to supporting our suppliers in order to   technology, similar to the robotic da Vinci
                                           ramp up their capabilities and overcome
                                                                                Surgical System or gaming console Wii,
       contracts in Taiwan                 manufacturing challenges.            which will provide instant feedback, such as
                                              “As for talent cultivation, many of the 92
                                                                                vibration, to the one operating the machine.
       Orsted has announced the results of the   people to receive welding training are from   “Welding technicians would then be able to
       Offshore Wind Industrial Development Fund   the current suppliers of the Greater Changhua   perform the welding work remotely, watch the

       P12                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 02   13•January•2020
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