Page 7 - AsiaElec Week 02 2021
P. 7
AsiaElec NUCLEAR AsiaElec
India’s Kakrapar 3 reactor
connected to grid
INDIA INDIA has connected Unit 3 of the Kakrapar confirmed, and late that year the finance for
nuclear power plant (NPP) in Gujarat State to them was approved.
the electricity grid. Site works at Kakrapar were completed by
The reactor is the country’s first indigenously August 2010. First concrete for Kakrapar 3 and 4
designed 700-MW pressurised heavy water reac- was poured in November 2010 and March 2011
tor (PHWR). It has already achieved criticality respectively, after Atomic Energy Regulatory
in July 2020. Board (AERB) approval.
Kakrapar 3 was synchronised with the grid at The AERB approved Rajasthan 7 and 8 in
11.37am on 10 January, the Press Trust of India August 2010, and site works then began. First
reported. concrete for those units was poured in July
“A true example of indigenous technology 2011. Construction had been expected to take
developed and built in India, with 15 more such 66 months.
units to follow in fleet mode,” Anil Kakodkar, India plans to put 21 new nuclear reactors –
former secretary of the Department of Atomic including 10 indigenously designed PHWRs –
Energy, was quoted as saying. with a combined generating capacity of 15,700
In April 2007, the Indian government MW into operation by 2031, the Department of
approved plans for the first four of eight planned Atomic Energy announced in January 2019.
700-MW PHWR units: Kakrapar units 3 and 4 Kakrapar 1 and 2 – both Indian-designed 220
and Rajasthan units 7 and 8, to be built by Hindu- MWe PHWRs – entered commercial operation
stan Construction using indigenous technology. in 1993 and 1995 respectively.
In mid-2009, construction approval was
KOGAS launches new hydrogen unit
SOUTH KOREA SOUTH Korea’s state-owned KOGAS said on Southeast Asian countries such as Vietnam and
January 11 that it had launched a new hydro- Myanmar.
gen strategy as it aims to decarbonise its gas KOGAS has decided to set up the ASEAN
operations. Vietnam Office for the Gas to Power Project
KOGAS has launched a new hydrogen busi- (GTP), an LNG production base and power
ness headquarters to pave the way for the estab- plant export project. It is currently negotiating
lishment of an entire hydrogen value chain, part with various countries, including Vietnam and
of a wider reorganisation of its activities. Thailand.
The utility’s blueprint involves establishing an The GTP Project is a complex energy infra-
M&A Department to secure core hydrogen and structure construction scheme to build a new
carbon-neutral technology through mergers and terminal for LNG imports on the south-eastern
acquisitions at home and abroad. coast of Vietnam and a thermal power plant
In addition, it will also set up an investment (TPP) to use LNG imported through the termi-
department to manage investment in green nal. KOGAS formed a consortium with Korea
hydrogen production and hydrogen fusion Southern Power and Hanwha Energy for the
charging stations. By doing this it will finally project.
build an entire value chain from hydrogen pro- “This GTP Project is a complex energy pro-
duction to supply. ject that operates an entire LNG value chain
KOGAS will also focus on energy infrastruc- by combining gas introduction, terminal and
ture projects with know-how from LNG-based pipeline construction and operation, and power
combined cycle power generation projects in plant operation and maintenance (O&M),” a
order to tap into emerging energy markets of KOGAS official said.
Week 02 13•January•2020 www. NEWSBASE .com P7