Page 5 - DMEA Week 45 2021
P. 5

DMEA                                         COMMENTARY                                               DMEA

                           In September, sources were quoted as  pipelines deal. Despite the draw of Aramco’s oil   Aramco’s oil and gas
                         saying that Aramco had – through advisors  assets, the company sought to improve the deal’s   pipeline network.
                         – approached potential bidders including state-  attractiveness by offering potential buyers a syn-
                         backed Chinese and South Korean funds as well  dicated loan which would cover the majority of   Source: Aramco
                         as North American private equity and infra-  the lease fee. Following a request for propos-
                         structure funds.                     als (RfP) to a pool of banks, Citigroup, HSBC
                           Speaking to Downstream MEA (DMEA) this  Holdings and Mizuho Financial Group were
                         week, a source close to proceedings said that  all reported to have been involved in providing
                         the EIG, Hassana and Silk Road Fund bids are  around $10.5bn of financing for the transaction.
                         worth watching closely given their involvement   In September, though, EIG and its partners
                         in the oil pipeline consortium. “Aramco favours  were reported to be preparing to issue $4-4.5bn
                         lasting relationships and these companies are a  of bonds to refinance the loan that paid for the
                         step ahead because of the AOPC deal,” he added.  deal. Sources said that the bonds would be issued
                           At the time that agreement was announced,  in two or three tranches, echoing comments
                         EIG CEO Robert Blair said it aligned “perfectly  reported at the time of the deal, though expedit-
                         with EIG’s philosophy of investing in high-qual-  ing the 2022-2024 timeline.
                         ity assets with contracted cash flows in critical   The first of these was expected to be issued
                         infrastructure”.                     in October, with the consortium targeting at
                           Meanwhile,  DMEA understands from  least $4bn. A second tranche is planned to cover
                         sources close to proceedings that prospective  around $5-5.5bn, though no date for this has yet
                         bidders Apollo Global Management, BlackRock,  been indicated.
                         Brookfield Asset Management and Global Infra-  Aramco’s strategy is closely following that
                         structure Partners (GIP) all declined to make  implemented by regional rival Abu Dhabi
                         final offers because of Aramco’s asking price.  National Oil Co. (ADNOC), which has closed
                                                              billions of dollars of deals for stakes in its oil and
                         Financing                            gas pipelines, real estate and refineries, as well as
                         Reports have quoted an equity figure of around  listing its retail fuel arm and more recently, the
                         $3.5bn, with the remainder made up of bank  ADNOC Drilling subsidiary.
                         debt amid rumours of a total deal valuation in   With the gas pipelines deal nearing comple-
                         excess of $20bn; however, a figure of around  tion, Aramco is understood to be considering
                         $15bn is thought to be more likely.  plans to carry out an initial public offering (IPO)
                           This structure also mirrors that of the oil  on its retail fuels division.™

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