Page 9 - DMEA Week 45 2021
P. 9
JGC wins Abqaiq EPC work
MIDDLE EAST SAUDI Aramco is reported to have awarded per day (bpd).
an engineering, procurement and construction As with Aramco’s upstream divisions, which
(EPC) contract to Japan’s JGC for brownfield are split into Northern Area Oil Operations
work on its Abqaiq processing plant following (NAOO) and Southern Area Oil Operations
the issuance of tender documents in January. (SAOO), the brownfield long-term agreement
The award relates to Aramco’s Abqaiq Dew (LTA) pool is divided into those which can com-
Point Control project and the scope of JGC’s the pete for work to the north and south of the com-
work is likely to include installation of a new pany’s headquarters in Dhahran.
de-ethaniser (DER) and propane refrigeration Firms included in Zone 1, which lies to the
system, upgrading the dehydration system, north of Dhahran, are: Al-Hajri with Samsung,
installation of a new condensate stripper col- Daelim and ENPPI, while JGC and its competi-
umn as well as replacement of gas export com- tors are part of the southern Zone 2. Inclusion in
pression trains, according to sources spoken to the onshore LTA pool was awarded by Aramco
by Upstream. for a six-year base period that is extendable for
One source said: “The contract is awarded an additional six years.
and a formal announcement is likely to follow These groups complement the pool for the
soon.” “general bid slate” which grants automatic and
JGC is believed to have beat competition exclusive prequalification for most of the com-
from Korean firms GS Construction and Hyun- pany’s offshore engineering, procurement, con-
dai Engineering & Construction, Italy’s Saipem struction and installation (EPCI) work.
and London-listed TechnipFMC, which are all The latter pool comprises: Italy’s Saipem,
members of a contractor pool announced in McDermott of the US, a consortium of India’s
December last year that will focus exclusively L&T and UK-based Subsea 7, US firm Dynamic
on oil and gas brownfield and plant upgrade Industries, a consortium of UAE-based Lamprell
projects. The contract, which is estimated to be and Dutch company Royal Boskalis Westmin-
worth more than $500mn, is the first to have ster, the UAE’s National Petroleum Construction
been awarded to the pool since its formation. Co. (NPCC), Sapura Energy of Malaysia, a con-
Located around 65 km south of Dhahran, sortium of TechnipFMC and Malaysia’s MMHE,
Abqaiq is home to an oil and natural gas liquids China Offshore Oil Engineering Co. and South
(NGLs) plant which handles up to 7mn barrels Korea’s Hyundai Heavy Industries.
Week 45 11•November•2021 www. NEWSBASE .com P9