Page 6 - DMEA Week 45 2021
P. 6

DMEA                                          COMMENTARY                                               DMEA

       Ugandan oil industry

       making some progress

       CNOOC’s FID on the Kingfisher project may have a greater positive

       impact than civil society groups’ objections to draft EACOP legislation.

        AFRICA           UGANDA’S nascent oil industry has heard a  yesterday in a meeting,” she said, according to a
                         mix of good and not-so-good news over the last  report from the Ugandan daily Business Focus.
                         week.                                “They have delivered a letter in writing, [and] the
       WHAT:               On the positive side, China National Offshore  problem has been sorted out. They have signed
       While CNOOC has pledged   Oil Corp. (CNOOC) has reportedly taken a final  the agreement.”
       to move forward with   investment decision (FID) on proceeding with   Nankabirwa was referring to previous reports
       development, NGOs are   upstream development work at the Kingfisher  in which Ugandan government officials were
       raising questions about   oilfield in the western part of the country. This is  quoted as saying that they were still waiting
       a draft bill that aims   good news, as it signals that Uganda is one step  for an FID on Kingfisher, which will be one of
       to support the EACOP   closer to developing the hydrocarbon reserves  the two primary sources of throughput for the
       project.          discovered in 2006.                  216,000 barrel per day (bpd) EACOP. TotalEn-
                           But on the not-so-positive side, non-gov-  ergies (France) has already taken this step for
       WHY:              ernmental organisations (NGOs) are urging  Tilenga, the other field that will use the pipeline
       EACOP will play a crucial   Ugandan lawmakers to take another look at the  to send its production to market, but CNOOC
       role in the Ugandan oil   proposed conditions for the construction of the  has been slower to do so.
       sector, as it will connect   East Africa Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP). This   The energy minister was speaking just a few
       upstream assets to world   is not good news, as it has the potential to slow  days after representatives of Uganda National
       markets.          the pace of work on the pipeline project, which  Oil Co. (UNOC) reported that the Chinese firm
                         is crucial for the development of the Kingfisher  had made another move that is likely to support
       WHAT NEXT:        and Tilenga oilfields.               upstream development. According to UNOC,
       Calls for revising the   This essay will seek to assess the impact of  as of late last week, CNOOC had met all of the
       draft EACOP bill have   these two developments.        requirements governing its participation in the
       the potential to slow                                  EACOP project.
       development.      CNOOC’s FID                            Both of these news items are good signs for
                         CNOOC’s FID came to light on November 4,  Uganda’s oil industry. They signal that the Chi-
                         when Ugandan Energy Minister Ruth Nanka-  nese company is ready to commit to the King-
                         birwa revealed that the state-owned Chinese  fisher project – and also ready to help build the
                         company had informed Kampala of its decision  pipeline that will give the Kingfisher and Tilenga
                         to move forward with the Kingfisher project.  fields access to world markets, which they need
                           “I was with the chairman of CNOOC  to be developed economically.

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